National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCRTC - Number 6 |
May 2012 |
Authors: Vipin N. Jadhao, Aditya N. Rajput, Amit A. Kale, Nilesh J. Uke |
Vipin N. Jadhao, Aditya N. Rajput, Amit A. Kale, Nilesh J. Uke . Campus Short Message Service System - Classifying SMS Effectively. National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing. NCRTC, 6 (May 2012), 15-17.
In recent years, Short Message Service (SMS) has been widely exploited in day-to-day communication. A general concept of Campus Short Message Service (CSMS) is to receive the query of any user and send the appropriate reply to the same user related to that particular query about any department of the organization. Here the main concept in this paper is about SMS Classification for an organization, especially educational institutes. After receiving SMS of user the system categorize the SMS according to the SMS acronym and forward it to the respective department, then the respective information will retrieve from department database and forward it to the main server and from main server to the respective user through mobile gateway.