CFP last date
20 August 2024
General Information


International Journal of Computer Applications is the place for exchange of information and research results within the following scope::

  • Machine Intelligence with specific emphasis on:
    • Expert, Agents, Diagnostic and Decision Supporting Systems
    • Data and Web Mining
    • Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, Rough Set Theory, Chaos Theory and Evolutionary Algorithms
    • Reasoning, Knowledge Extraction and Knowledge Management.
  • Applications of Computer Science in Modeling.
  • Visualization and Multimedia.
  • Data and Information Systems.
  • Internet and Distributed Computer Systems.
  • Semantic Web Technologies and Social Semantic Web
  • Graphics and Imaging
  • Bio-informatics
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Computational Mathematics
  • Robotics and Micro-Robotics
  • Theoretical Informatics
  • Quantum Computing
  • Software Testing
  • Computer Vision
  • Digital Systems
  • Pervasive Computing
  • Computational Topology
  • Information Personalization
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Ensemble Modeling
  • Wavelet Representations
  • Principle of Concurrency
  • Software Life-cycle Management
  • Social Network Mining
  • Embedded Systems
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Signal Processing
  • Bayesian Statistics
  • Adaptive Control
  • Sequential Decision Theory
  • Digital Forensics