National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCRENB2015 - Number 2 |
May 2015 |
Authors: Savita R Gaikwad, Priyedarshi Jetli, Devendra Bapat, Rajesh L Gaikwad |
Savita R Gaikwad, Priyedarshi Jetli, Devendra Bapat, Rajesh L Gaikwad . A Study of Parallels between Modern Physics and Concept of Spanda Shastra. National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building. NCRENB2015, 2 (May 2015), 19-23.
Spanda-Karikas is one of the important works of Kashmir Saivism. Modern scientists have discovered that the world was created from the vibration of the first explosion and that the universe is still expanding. This paper points out the parallels between modern physics and spanda principles. They will particularly look at the parallels between spanda principles to particle physics, quantum mechanics, theory of relativity and string theory. It is there opinion that present-day science and engineering students should be able to work quantitatively with the concepts of modern physics and Spanda Shastra.