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The Onion Routing: Enhancement with Tunable Path Selection

Published on May 2016 by Ajinkya Indulkar, Javed Alam, Chinmay Raskar, Sohel Ravankole
National Conference on Advancements in Computer & Information Technology
Foundation of Computer Science USA
NCACIT2016 - Number 1
May 2016
Authors: Ajinkya Indulkar, Javed Alam, Chinmay Raskar, Sohel Ravankole

Ajinkya Indulkar, Javed Alam, Chinmay Raskar, Sohel Ravankole . The Onion Routing: Enhancement with Tunable Path Selection. National Conference on Advancements in Computer & Information Technology. NCACIT2016, 1 (May 2016), 1-4.

author = { Ajinkya Indulkar, Javed Alam, Chinmay Raskar, Sohel Ravankole },
title = { The Onion Routing: Enhancement with Tunable Path Selection },
journal = { National Conference on Advancements in Computer & Information Technology },
issue_date = { May 2016 },
volume = { NCACIT2016 },
number = { 1 },
month = { May },
year = { 2016 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 1-4 },
numpages = 4,
url = { /proceedings/ncacit2016/number1/24695-3026/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 National Conference on Advancements in Computer & Information Technology
%A Ajinkya Indulkar
%A Javed Alam
%A Chinmay Raskar
%A Sohel Ravankole
%T The Onion Routing: Enhancement with Tunable Path Selection
%J National Conference on Advancements in Computer & Information Technology
%@ 0975-8887
%N 1
%P 1-4
%D 2016
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

The Tor anonymous network uses self-reported information measure ethics to pick out routers for building tunnels. Since tunnels square measure assigned in proportion to the current information measure, this enables a malicious router operator to ask tunnels for compromise. Though Tor bounds the self-reported information measure, it uses a high most price, effectively selecting performance over high namelessness for all users. The router alternative algorithmic rule that permits users to manage the compromise between performance and secrecy. During this associate timeserving information measure measuring algorithmic rule to exchange self-reported values that's a lot of sensitive to load and a lot of perceptive to dynamic network things. This mechanism will effectively mergers the traffic from users of various preferences, creating partitioning attacks tough. And might additionally defensible to the antecedently printed low-resource attacks on Tor.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Tor Security Privacy anonymous Communication Traffic Analysis Path Choice Information Measure Estimation.