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Automated Characterization of Brain Tasks using FastICA Feature Extraction Algorithm

Published on February 2013 by Khan Arjumand Masood, Nagori Meghana Brijlal
International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology and Computer Science 2012
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ICRTITCS2012 - Number 3
February 2013
Authors: Khan Arjumand Masood, Nagori Meghana Brijlal

Khan Arjumand Masood, Nagori Meghana Brijlal . Automated Characterization of Brain Tasks using FastICA Feature Extraction Algorithm. International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology and Computer Science 2012. ICRTITCS2012, 3 (February 2013), 5-8.

author = { Khan Arjumand Masood, Nagori Meghana Brijlal },
title = { Automated Characterization of Brain Tasks using FastICA Feature Extraction Algorithm },
journal = { International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology and Computer Science 2012 },
issue_date = { February 2013 },
volume = { ICRTITCS2012 },
number = { 3 },
month = { February },
year = { 2013 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 5-8 },
numpages = 4,
url = { /proceedings/icrtitcs2012/number3/10260-1347/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology and Computer Science 2012
%A Khan Arjumand Masood
%A Nagori Meghana Brijlal
%T Automated Characterization of Brain Tasks using FastICA Feature Extraction Algorithm
%J International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology and Computer Science 2012
%@ 0975-8887
%N 3
%P 5-8
%D 2013
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

Among the available imaging modalities, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can provide the function of the brain based on the changes of local magnetic properties associated with the level of oxygenation and cerebral blood flow/volume. Independent component analysis (ICA) is a popular blind source separation (BSS) technique for the analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data and can be proved to work promisingly FastICA algorithm for feature extraction provide reliable results.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Functional Mri Ica Data Driven Support Vector Machine