International Conference on Electronics & Computing Technologies |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICONECT - Number 1 |
May 2014 |
Authors: Bhagyashree P. Joshi, Shraddha S. Ghadge, Ashwini A. Shingte, Keerti D. Kharatmol |
Bhagyashree P. Joshi, Shraddha S. Ghadge, Ashwini A. Shingte, Keerti D. Kharatmol . Augmented Reality 6th Sense. International Conference on Electronics & Computing Technologies. ICONECT, 1 (May 2014), 21-24.
Augmented Reality is considered an extension of Virtual Reality. Augmented reality is a technology in which we combine the real world entities with virtually created objects. Augmented reality is huge technique and we are adopting a part of this technique. In our paper, we are controlling the windows media player using augmented reality. Here, we are going to perform the operations of windows media player (viz pause/play, forward and backward) using a virtual touch surface which will be monitored using a web camera. The paper suggests two stages: Integration of digital and real world in which we create a virtual touch surface and Integration of touch surface with application like Windows Media Player.