International Conference in Computational Intelligence |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICCIA - Number 8 |
March 2012 |
Authors: Shivarkar Sandip A., Muzumdar Ajit A., Dange Bapusaheb J. |
Shivarkar Sandip A., Muzumdar Ajit A., Dange Bapusaheb J. . An Improved Approach for Signature and Anomaly based Intrusion Detection and Prevention. International Conference in Computational Intelligence. ICCIA, 8 (March 2012), 21-25.
Intrusion detection systems (IDS) are developing very rapid in recent years. But most traditional IDS can only detect either misuse or anomaly attacks. In this paper, we propose a system that combining both misuse and anomaly attacks. Hybrid intrusion detection is a novel kind of model combining the advantages of anomaly detection and misuse detection. We design a new hybrid intrusion system based on conditional random fields. Experimental results for Signature based detection based on the KDD 1999 Cup dataset shows that the proposed model is promising in terms of detection accuracy and computational efficiency, where as for anomaly based detection system we use conditional random fields which are more accurate.