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Reseach Article

Accident Prevention Using Eye Blinking and Head Movement

Published on April 2012 by Abhi R. Varma, Seema V. Arote, Chetna Bharti, Kuldeep Singh
Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology (ETCSIT2012)
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ETCSIT - Number 4
April 2012
Authors: Abhi R. Varma, Seema V. Arote, Chetna Bharti, Kuldeep Singh

Abhi R. Varma, Seema V. Arote, Chetna Bharti, Kuldeep Singh . Accident Prevention Using Eye Blinking and Head Movement. Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology (ETCSIT2012). ETCSIT, 4 (April 2012), 31-35.

author = { Abhi R. Varma, Seema V. Arote, Chetna Bharti, Kuldeep Singh },
title = { Accident Prevention Using Eye Blinking and Head Movement },
journal = { Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology (ETCSIT2012) },
issue_date = { April 2012 },
volume = { ETCSIT },
number = { 4 },
month = { April },
year = { 2012 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 31-35 },
numpages = 5,
url = { /proceedings/etcsit/number4/5985-1028/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology (ETCSIT2012)
%A Abhi R. Varma
%A Seema V. Arote
%A Chetna Bharti
%A Kuldeep Singh
%T Accident Prevention Using Eye Blinking and Head Movement
%J Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology (ETCSIT2012)
%@ 0975-8887
%N 4
%P 31-35
%D 2012
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

This paper describes a real-time online prototype driver-fatigue monitor. It uses remotely located charge-coupled-device cameras equipped with active infrared illuminators to acquire video images of the driver. Various visual cues that typically characterize the level of alertness of a person are extracted in real time and systematically combined to infer the fatigue level of the driver. The visual cues employed characterize eyelid movement, gaze movement, head movement, and facial expression. A probabilistic model is developed to model human fatigue and to predict fatigue based on the visual cues obtained. The simultaneous use of multiple visual cues and their systematic combination yields a much more robust and accurate fatigue characterization than using a single visual cue. This system was validated under real-life fatigue conditions with human subjects of different ethnic backgrounds, genders, and ages; with/without glasses; and under different illumination conditions. It was found to be reasonably robust, reliable, and accurate in fatigue characterization.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Driver Vigilance Human Fatigue Probabilistic Intelligence.