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A Flexible tool for Discovery and Selection of Sensor Web Registry Services with Extended SOA Framework

by Manoranjan Parhi, Biswa Mohan Acharya
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 44 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Manoranjan Parhi, Biswa Mohan Acharya

Manoranjan Parhi, Biswa Mohan Acharya . A Flexible tool for Discovery and Selection of Sensor Web Registry Services with Extended SOA Framework. International Journal of Computer Applications. 44, 14 ( April 2012), 10-17. DOI=10.5120/6330-8690

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%A Biswa Mohan Acharya
%T A Flexible tool for Discovery and Selection of Sensor Web Registry Services with Extended SOA Framework
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Sensor Web Services are recently emerged as promising technology and have potential usage in a wide range of application domain. However due to advancement of OGC SWE standard, the discovery and selection of Sensor Web Registry services throughout heterogeneous environment become a challenging task. Many approaches and frameworks have been proposed to discover the sensor web registry services and some of the approaches assume that the requests are placed in SOAP compatible formats while others focus on GUI based parametric query processing. In this paper, a flexible tool has been proposed that uses the Natural Language Query Processing which is a convenient and easy method of sensor data access in comparison to SQL or XML based Query Language like XQuery and XPath. An architecture based on extended SOA Framework that organizes the method of sensor web registry service discovery and selection in an efficient and structured manner has been suggested by adding some new layers like Request Parser & Query Generator (RPQ), Service Verifier and Certifier (SVC) and Service Rank Calculator (SRC). A typical weather sensor web service scenario is considered in this paper for finding the most relevant service according to requester's functional and QoS requirements.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless Sensor Network (wsn) Sensor Web Enablement Standard (swe) Sensor Web Registry Natural Language Processing Request Parser & Query Generator (rpq) Service Verifier And Certifier (svc) Service Rank Calculator (src)