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Dynamic Source quick Route Rebuilding Algorithm for Random-access OFDMA Adhoc Network

by Sunil Jacob, Dr. R. Dhanasekaran
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 37 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Sunil Jacob, Dr. R. Dhanasekaran

Sunil Jacob, Dr. R. Dhanasekaran . Dynamic Source quick Route Rebuilding Algorithm for Random-access OFDMA Adhoc Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 37, 9 ( January 2012), 42-48. DOI=10.5120/4640-6360

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author = { Sunil Jacob, Dr. R. Dhanasekaran },
title = { Dynamic Source quick Route Rebuilding Algorithm for Random-access OFDMA Adhoc Network },
journal = { International Journal of Computer Applications },
issue_date = { January 2012 },
volume = { 37 },
number = { 9 },
month = { January },
year = { 2012 },
issn = { 0975-8887 },
pages = { 42-48 },
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%A Sunil Jacob
%A Dr. R. Dhanasekaran
%T Dynamic Source quick Route Rebuilding Algorithm for Random-access OFDMA Adhoc Network
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
%@ 0975-8887
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%D 2012
%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

This paper focusses on maintaining message continuity in a mobile Adhoc network. The dynamic source quick route rebuilding algorithm (DSQRRA) provides continuity in packet routing to reach the next possible neighboring node in order to avoid resending the packet from the source. DSQRRA calls for mobility management and scalable design. Mobility management is done through information exchanges between moving hosts in the Adhoc wireless network. The DSQRRA uses cooperative protocols to coordinate with the Adhoc on demand Distance Vector routine (AODV) protocol for shortest route rebuilding in Random Access OFDMA network. The algorithm gives next alternative route immediately once there is a break in the link. Simulations have been performed to analyze the performance of AODV with and without DSQRRA. The AODV with DSQRRA reduced memory occupation and route broadcasting. It has minimized packet looping. Simulations also show that DSQRRA provides quick delivery of packet from source to destination.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cooperation ratio OFDMA RDF SNR