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A Systematic Review on ZKP Algorithms for Blockchain: Methods, Use-cases and Challenges

by K. Usha, T. Thenmozhi, M. Preyadarssini
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 186 - Number 71
Year of Publication: 2025
Authors: K. Usha, T. Thenmozhi, M. Preyadarssini

K. Usha, T. Thenmozhi, M. Preyadarssini . A Systematic Review on ZKP Algorithms for Blockchain: Methods, Use-cases and Challenges. International Journal of Computer Applications. 186, 71 ( Mar 2025), 39-51. DOI=10.5120/ijca2025924566

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Recent technological advancements have brought the complete business world into the digital space, which uses various technologies such as the Internet of Things, Decentralized ledger technology, and Artificial Intelligence. In this digital space, user authentication plays a crucial role. Verifying the user's identity with selective information disclosure is an efficient way of authentication. Moreover, the identity management of all the entities in the digital space requires a decentralized environment with the lowest level of vulnerabilities. In addition, most business processes in the digital space operate on a public medium prone to attacks, data bleach, etc., and also carry sensitive private information. Hence, digital business space must provide the functionality of security and privacy-preserving information transactions. Furthermore, certain transactional information needs user identity protection as a part of security measures, also known as anonymity. The cryptographic ZKP approach is one of the effective ways to implement the concepts mentioned earlier. ZKP is a verification technique where the identity credentials of a person or entity are verified with selective information disclosure or, in other words, without revealing private information. ZKP can be used to efficiently implement secure information exchange and anonymous identity verification. This paper reviews ZKP models/algorithms proposed in the literature for the various use cases, such as authentication, identity management, security, privacy, and anonymity in a centralized and decentralized environment. Further, this paper analyses the proposed ZKP models for Blockchain in the literature and its various possible applications. Finally, this paper analyses the limitations and challenges of ZKP models.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Authentication Identity management; Security; Privacy Anonymity