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21 April 2025
Reseach Article

Adaptive Memory Allocation Model in Multi-Core Machine Clusters

by Roman Malih, Ofer Levi, Diamanta Benson-Karhi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 186 - Number 69
Year of Publication: 2025
Authors: Roman Malih, Ofer Levi, Diamanta Benson-Karhi

Roman Malih, Ofer Levi, Diamanta Benson-Karhi . Adaptive Memory Allocation Model in Multi-Core Machine Clusters. International Journal of Computer Applications. 186, 69 ( Mar 2025), 68-74. DOI=10.5120/ijca2025924543

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In this work, we address the problem of robust real-time scheduling and resource allocation in real-life, complex environments with unpredictable stochastic behavior. We focus on an important, simplified case study from the computing domain, i.e., memory resource allocation and job scheduling on a dedicated computer cluster with shared memory. We explore techniques of resource utilization given a defined computing environment, and we develop an adaptive model to handle incoming computing jobs. We test and validate our proposed model by simulation using the Matlab and Sim Events software packages. An adaptive model, designed for a cluster of dual-core machines with shared memory constraints, is proposed. We have shown that our model is efficient and robust despite making no assumptions about the stochastic characteristics of the incoming jobsIn this work, we address the problem of robust real-time scheduling and resource allocation in real-life, complex environments with unpredictable stochastic behavior. We focus on an important, simplified case study from the computing domain, i.e., memory resource allocation and job scheduling on a dedicated computer cluster with shared memory. We explore techniques of resource utilization given a defined computing environment, and we develop an adaptive model to handle incoming computing jobs. We test and validate our proposed model by simulation using the Matlab and Sim Events software packages. An adaptive model, designed for a cluster of dual-core machines with shared memory constraints, is proposed. We have shown that our model is efficient and robust despite making no assumptions about the stochastic characteristics of the incoming jobs

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Scheduling Parallel computing Resource management