International Journal of Computer Applications |
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA |
Volume 186 - Number 62 |
Year of Publication: 2025 |
Authors: Md Rakeen Islam Nahin, Sheikh Raiyan Ahmed |
10.5120/ijca2025924424 |
Md Rakeen Islam Nahin, Sheikh Raiyan Ahmed . A Comprehensive Study of OS Strategies and New Scheduling Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 186, 62 ( Jan 2025), 11-19. DOI=10.5120/ijca2025924424
In the modern computers the scheduling algorithms have bought a significant advancement by performing tasks within a precise time frame. With the advancement of real time, dynamic scheduling algorithms and affinity based partitioning algorithms in multicore processors there lies a need for effective operating system solutions in multicore environments so that maximum CPU utilization can be made. Over the years real time scheduling algorithms, one of the solutions for multicore processors in real time environment have been proposed so that user expectation can be fulfilled effectively by following the scheduling protocols. However, none of the scheduling algorithm is universal. There comes a need for modification of the algorithms and implementation of hybrid models so that the scheduling is done more efficiently. The main objective of the research work is to have a clear view of the scheduling algorithms, its importance, discussing about its limitations and proposing theories for improving the algorithms. Among real-time scheduling algorithms discussion about Rate Monotonous Scheduling Algorithm (RMA), Earliest Deadline First Algorithm (EDF) and among dynamic scheduling algorithm discussion about Work-Stealing Algorithm and among task partitioning in heterogenous systems discussion about Affinity based partitioning Algorithms are made. We first discussed why maintaining the scheduling and Core-Affinity are the most vital among all other approaches for increasing efficiency in real time environments. Later on, we discussed about the scheduling algorithms like static partitioning algorithms (EDF, RMA) and proposed a hybrid schedule using multiple cores, dynamic partitioning algorithm like work-stealing, modification of the algorithm using clock pulse and affinity-based partitioning algorithm along with its modification using cross-checking algorithms to make it more reliable. Furthermore, we discussed about the importance of core affinity in multicore systems. Overall, this research will give a clear concept of “Theoretical Approach for Operating System Solutions for Multicore Processors” by discussing about the scheduling algorithms and core affinity; and proposing theories and algorithms for increasing the efficiency and reliability of the task-partitioning algorithms.