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Finite Element Mesh Refinement for EM-Field Solvers Modeling using Genetic Algorithm

by Kiptoo Lelon, Waweru Njeri, Joseph Muguro
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 186 - Number 52
Year of Publication: 2024
Authors: Kiptoo Lelon, Waweru Njeri, Joseph Muguro

Kiptoo Lelon, Waweru Njeri, Joseph Muguro . Finite Element Mesh Refinement for EM-Field Solvers Modeling using Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 186, 52 ( Dec 2024), 14-23. DOI=10.5120/ijca2024924189

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Electromagnetic field solvers are pivotal in numerous engineering and scientific applications, ranging from antenna design to medical imaging. Achieving accurate and efficient solutions to complex electromagnetic (EM) field problems often necessitates a refined finite element (FE) mesh. This study explored using genetic algorithms (GA) as a robust optimization tool to enhance the quality of FE meshes for EM field simulations. The proposed approach not only automates the mesh refinement process but also significantly improves the convergence and accuracy of numerical simulations. The initial mesh on a problem domain was generated using the Delaunay triangulation algorithm (DTA), and the developed mesh was then refined using a more flexible GA that could handle regions of the problem domain containing several local extrema. The aspect ratio and the maximum angle at each node of the triangular mesh were used to select the fitness function to be optimized in the GA. The GA was tested and validated for various test cases covering multiple complex geometry applications. The results showed a significant change in the quality of the refined meshes, a shift of fitness value ranges from (0.1-0.50) to (0.60-1.0), and the ability to handle nonconvex regions. Results of mesh refinement and modeling EM field solvers were validated and accomplished through a series of tests and comparisons of the GA and the DTA mesh quality results and by observing the effect of E-fields and H-fields on the computed results.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences
Meshing Algorithms


Mesh Generation Mesh Refinement Delaunay Triangulation Genetic Algorithm.