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Robust Frequent Patterns Mining Algorithms on Parallel Systems

by Sameh Abdulah, Walid Atwa
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 186 - Number 36
Year of Publication: 2024
Authors: Sameh Abdulah, Walid Atwa

Sameh Abdulah, Walid Atwa . Robust Frequent Patterns Mining Algorithms on Parallel Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 186, 36 ( Aug 2024), 24-30. DOI=10.5120/ijca2024923878

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title = { Robust Frequent Patterns Mining Algorithms on Parallel Systems },
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Data Mining (DM) algorithms have become increasingly prevalent in analyzing vast amounts of data generated in scientific fields like instrument and simulation data and in areas such as social networks and financial transactions. The availability of High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems has made parallel implementations of these algorithms commonplace. However, these systems, which were designed with data movement constraints in mind, often experience faults in computing devices, resulting in permanent process or node failures. This paper presents fault-tolerant parallel algorithms that enable checkpointing and recovery in memory for frequent pattern mining algorithms. Long-running data-intensive applications typically utilize the Message Passing Interface (MPI). Therefore, we tackle the challenge of fault tolerance in MPI-based applications by leveraging internal algorithm features and using MPI one-sided communication technology. Although this paper focuses on the FP-Growth frequent mining algorithm, we anticipate that the proposed approaches will serve as a foundation for designing fault-tolerant DM algorithms in general, given the effectiveness of the proposed implementations. Our evaluation demonstrates that MPI one-sided communication can act as a robust support system for efficient memory-based fault tolerance in parallel algorithms, even when compared to existing parallel programming models like Hadoop and Spark. To evaluate our fault-tolerant (FT) algorithms, we conduct tests on a large-scale InfiniBand cluster using several extensive datasets, employing up to 2K cores. Our evaluation reveals excellent efficiency in checkpointing and recovery compared to the disk-based approach. Furthermore, we observe an average speed-up of 20X for the FP-Growth algorithm compared to Spark. This establishes that a well-designed algorithm can easily surpass a solution based on a general fault-tolerant programming model.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences
Message Passing Interface (MPI)
One-side communication
fault tolerance


MPI one-sided communication MPI-based applications fault tolerance algorithms FP-Growth Frequent mining algorithm