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A New Approach to Solve the Classical Symmetric Traveling Salesman Problem by Highest Suffix Method

by Kalyan Kumar Mallick, Md. Fazle Rabbi Sweet, Tapan Kumar Biswas, Ramani Ranjan Sikder, Mahmudul Kabir, Md. Tareq Hasan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 186 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2024
Authors: Kalyan Kumar Mallick, Md. Fazle Rabbi Sweet, Tapan Kumar Biswas, Ramani Ranjan Sikder, Mahmudul Kabir, Md. Tareq Hasan

Kalyan Kumar Mallick, Md. Fazle Rabbi Sweet, Tapan Kumar Biswas, Ramani Ranjan Sikder, Mahmudul Kabir, Md. Tareq Hasan . A New Approach to Solve the Classical Symmetric Traveling Salesman Problem by Highest Suffix Method. International Journal of Computer Applications. 186, 14 ( Mar 2024), 36-40. DOI=10.5120/ijca2024923498

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%A Md. Fazle Rabbi Sweet
%A Tapan Kumar Biswas
%A Ramani Ranjan Sikder
%A Mahmudul Kabir
%A Md. Tareq Hasan
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This paper presents Highest Suffix method for solving the classical symmetric traveling salesman problem. This concept is an alternative method for solving Traveling Salesman problem (TSP). It is possible to further improve a TSP tour that cannot be improved by other local search methods. To test the performance of the proposed method, two examples are solved here. This is a new approach to solve the classical symmetric travelling salesman problem by highest suffix method. So, this paper shows that the proposed algorithm is efficient for solving the Traveling Salesman problem (TSP).

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Local search Symmetric Traveling Salesman Problem Highest Suffix method Cost-Constrained Traveling Salesman Problem (CCTSP)