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Analysis of Secret Share Design for Color Image using Visual Cryptography Scheme and Halftone

by Surabhi Tiwari, Neetu Sharma, Neelesh Gupta
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 155 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Surabhi Tiwari, Neetu Sharma, Neelesh Gupta

Surabhi Tiwari, Neetu Sharma, Neelesh Gupta . Analysis of Secret Share Design for Color Image using Visual Cryptography Scheme and Halftone. International Journal of Computer Applications. 155, 13 ( Dec 2016), 12-16. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016912454

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%A Neelesh Gupta
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Visual cryptography encodes a secret binary image (SI) into shares of random binary patterns. If the shares are xeroxed onto transparencies, the secret image can be visually decoded by superimposing a qualified subset of transparencies, but no secret information can be obtained from the superposition of a forbidden subset. The binary patterns of the N shares, however, have no visual meaning and hinder the objectives of visual cryptography. Visual cryptography (VC) is a secret sharing scheme of decomposing a secret image into n transparencies, and the stacking of any t out of n transparencies reveals the secret content. The perfect security condition of VC scheme requires the strict requirement where any t-1 or fewer transparencies cannot extract any information about the secret. A HVC construction method is proposed that can encode a secret halftone image into color halftone shares. The secret image is concurrently embedded into color halftone shares. In the present work CMY color model will be implemented with ((n-1), n) secret sharing scheme based on visual cryptography for the color image and compared and proved to be better that the black and white model and the RGB color model which is free from the issue of security, pixel expansion and accuracy issue as well. As the printer use the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black color for printing that’s why CMY color model is implemented in this work to prove that CMY color space is better than RGB color space.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Visual cryptography Gray image