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A Novel Energy Aware Routing Approach using ANN Technique with Data Fusion in WSN: Review

by Pooja Singh, Vikas Pareek, Anil K. Ahlawat
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 143 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Pooja Singh, Vikas Pareek, Anil K. Ahlawat

Pooja Singh, Vikas Pareek, Anil K. Ahlawat . A Novel Energy Aware Routing Approach using ANN Technique with Data Fusion in WSN: Review. International Journal of Computer Applications. 143, 10 ( Jun 2016), 18-22. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016910376

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%T A Novel Energy Aware Routing Approach using ANN Technique with Data Fusion in WSN: Review
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Since WSN having a limitation of the limited battery life time and if the battery will die soon i.e. Network has a finite lifespan. The most famous issue facing network designers in wireless networks is to maximize network life. In wireless communication devices, due to resource constraints sensors evidence and delivery of reliable data is a difficult task. The motivation behind this study is the some critical limitation of energy aware routing protocols. Such as; it’s not easy to communicate to Base Station (BS) for that Cluster Head (CH) which is at maximum distance from Base Station therefore to make a novel mechanism by which long distance/route CH can be communicate with fast time with minimum energy consumptions to the base station (BS), here introduced data fusion concept. In WSN can be deployed a fusion point for accurate decision. This study includes directing the efficient use of artificial intelligent protocol with data fusion concept.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


WSN ANN SOM DF Decision Energy.