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Combined Speech Compression and Encryption using Contourlet Transform and Compressive Sensing

by Maher K.M. Al-Azawie, Ali M. Gaze
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 140 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Maher K.M. Al-Azawie, Ali M. Gaze

Maher K.M. Al-Azawie, Ali M. Gaze . Combined Speech Compression and Encryption using Contourlet Transform and Compressive Sensing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 140, 5 ( April 2016), 6-10. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016909295

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title = { Combined Speech Compression and Encryption using Contourlet Transform and Compressive Sensing },
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This paper introduces a new technique for Speech compression and encryption in one-step. Speech compression is the process of Converting human speech signals into a form that is compact and is reliable for communication and storage by reducing the size of data without losing quality of the original speech. Speech encryption is the process of converting the normal form of speech into unrecognized form to increase the security of communication through an insecure channel. Compressive sensing theory is used to apply the compression and encryption in one-step; in addition, the contourlet transform is used to prove the principle of Compressive Sensing (CS) (i.e. Spars structure) that is one of the most important aspect of the compressive sensing theory..

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Compressive sensing Contourlet Transform.