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Novel Algorithms CIPFP for Mining Frequent Patterns using Counting Inference from Probabilistic Databases and Future Possibilities

by Niket Bhargava, Manoj Shukla
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 140 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Niket Bhargava, Manoj Shukla

Niket Bhargava, Manoj Shukla . Novel Algorithms CIPFP for Mining Frequent Patterns using Counting Inference from Probabilistic Databases and Future Possibilities. International Journal of Computer Applications. 140, 10 ( April 2016), 39-54. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016909478

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We consider the problem of discovering frequent item sets and association rules between items in a large database of transactional databases acquired under uncertainty. A probabilistic database considered here is one in which with each transaction associated is a probability, represents the confidence that the transaction will occur with given associated certainty. In this paper, we address the problem of the efficiency of the main phase of most data mining applications: The frequent pattern extraction. This problem is mainly related to the number of operations required for counting pattern supports in the database and we propose a new method, called counting inference probabilistic frequent pattern miner in probabilistic databases, this algorithm allows to perform as few support counts as possible. It is optimized to reduce the number of database scan as well as the number of patterns for which explicit support count is required. Using this method, the support of a pattern is determined without accessing the database whenever possible, using the supports of some of its sub-patterns called key patterns. This method was implemented in the CIPFP, counting inference based probabilistic frequent pattern mining algorithm that is an optimization of the simple and efficient Apriori algorithm. The goal is to transform all key patterns into non-key patterns as early as possible as for non-key-patterns database scan is not required at all.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Probabilistic frequent patterns probabilistic frequent rule. key-patterns non-key-patterns