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Internet Traffic Distribution Analysis in case of Multi-Operator and Multi-Market Environment of Computer Network

by Sharad Gangele, Sunil Patil
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 130 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Sharad Gangele, Sunil Patil

Sharad Gangele, Sunil Patil . Internet Traffic Distribution Analysis in case of Multi-Operator and Multi-Market Environment of Computer Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 130, 4 ( November 2015), 29-36. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015906861

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Internet is widely used across the world to serve many purposes by millions of people every minute. This has given rise to many fold increase in internet based service providers. The internet traffic shared between these service providers gets jammed due to heavy load on the network. Naldi (2002) discussed model based internet traffic share problem in a different way, based on the assumption of call-by-call basis. Further, this idea of call-by-call improved and transformed to two-call-basis by Shukla and Gadewar (2010) and enhanced results arrived. In this paper market based internet traffic share has been calculated in terms of quality of services, initial preferences and other network parameters. Traffic share expressions for different kind of operators have been derived and simulation study is performed. It is found that traffic share is highly correlated with the location of market and network blocking probability.

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  24. Shukla, D., Verma, Kapil and Gangele, Sharad, “Bounded Area Estimation Using Simpson 3/8 Rule in Traffic Share Scenario in Computer Network” International Journal of Computer And Communication System Engineering ,1(4):119-125,2015
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Traffic Share Analysis (TSA) Two Call Basis (TCB) Transition Probability Matrix (TPM) Markov Chain Model (MCM)