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Screen Readers for Linux and Windows – Concatenation Methods and Unit Selection based Marathi Text to Speech System

by Sangramsing Kayte, Monica Mundada, Charansing Kayte
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 130 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Sangramsing Kayte, Monica Mundada, Charansing Kayte

Sangramsing Kayte, Monica Mundada, Charansing Kayte . Screen Readers for Linux and Windows – Concatenation Methods and Unit Selection based Marathi Text to Speech System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 130, 14 ( November 2015), 35-37. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015907192

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title = { Screen Readers for Linux and Windows – Concatenation Methods and Unit Selection based Marathi Text to Speech System },
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issue_date = { November 2015 },
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%T Screen Readers for Linux and Windows – Concatenation Methods and Unit Selection based Marathi Text to Speech System
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The research paper briefs about the implementation of screen readers for Marathi in Windows and Linux platform using unrestricted domain Marathi Text To Speech with Indian English support. The application is an integration of MTTS with open source Screen readers NVDA and ORCA. MTTS is a syllable based unit selection concatenative system, built around open source festival engine. IE support is provided for the smooth navigation and handling the English words occurring while accessing internet and other applications. The TTS is a concatenative based system in which syllable is the highest unit for concatenation. The TTS output resembles natural human voice since it uses the original speech segments for concatenation. Testing has been done with normal and differently abled users. Tuning of the system for improving the user friendliness has been done based on the feedback from the DA The system gets a Mean Opinion Score of 86.4% when evaluated by a group of DA.

  1. Sangramsing Kayte, Monica Mundada, Santosh Gaikwad, Bharti Gawali "PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF SPEECH SYNTHESIS TECHNIQUES FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE " International Congress on Information and Communication Technology 9-10 October, 2015
  2. Sangramsing Kayte, Dr. Bharti Gawali “Marathi Speech Synthesis: A review” International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 3 Issue: 6 3708 – 3711
  3. Sangramsing Kayte, Monica Mundada, Dr. Charansing Kayte "Di-phone-Based Concatenative Speech Synthesis System for Hindi" International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering -Volume 5, Issue 10, October-2015
  4. Sangramsing Kayte, Monica Mundada "Study of Marathi Phones for Synthesis of Marathi Speech from Text" International Journal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology ISSN: 2278-9359 (Volume-4, Issue-10) October 2015
  5. Sangramsing Kayte, Monica Mundada, Dr. Charansing Kayte "A Review of Unit Selection Speech Synthesis International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering -Volume 5, Issue 10, October-2015
  6. Sangramsing Kayte, Monica Mundada, Dr. Charansing Kayte “Di-phone-Based Concatenative Speech Synthesis Systems for Marathi Language” OSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP) Volume 5, Issue 5, Ver. I (Sep –Oct. 2015), PP 76-81e-ISSN: 2319 –4200, p-ISSN No. : 2319 –4197
  7. Sangramsing N.kayte “Marathi Isolated-Word Automatic Speech Recognition System based on Vector Quantization (VQ) approach” 101th Indian Science Congress Jammu University 03th Feb to 07 Feb 2014.
  8. Hidden Markov Model Tool Kit and License
  9. Automatically clustering similar units for unit selection in speech synthesis by Alan W Black and Paul Taylor,
  10. Implementation of Bilingual TTS using Festival Frame work” by Aswathy P V, Sajini T and V K Bhadran for the National conference at Kerala university, Kariavattom
  11. Monica Mundada, Sangramsing Kayte, Dr. Bharti Gawali "Classification of Fluent and Dysfluent Speech Using KNN Classifier" International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering Volume 4, Issue 9, September 2014
  12. High quality Arabic concatenative TTS, by Abdelkader Chabchoub and Adnan Cherif, Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.2, No.4, December 2011 Signal Processing Laboratory, Science Faculty of Tunis, 1060 Tunisia, 2411sipij03.pdf
  13. A. Black and K. Lenzo, “Building voices in the Festival speech synthesis system,”,
  14. Monica Mundada, Sangramsing Kayte “Classification of speech and its related fluency disorders Using KNN” ISSN2231-0096 Volume-4 Number-3 Sept 2014.
  15. Monica Mundada, Bharti Gawali, Sangramsing Kayte "Recognition and classification of speech and its related fluency disorders" International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies (IJCSIT)
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Marathi Text-to Speech Festival syllable assistive technology unit selection based speech synthesis.