CFP last date
21 April 2025
General Information

Webmaster Central

Webmaster Central is the dedicated lab for research and development of the features of the Digital Library. We constantly strive to provide the authors the best possible user interfaces and back-end support to submit, publish and archive their research works. There are numerous works progressing and few completed on various fronts related with the Digital Library.

We take the opportunity to list a few of them.

  • Mobile-based Digital Library: The IJCA authors and readers can view IJCA research contents from their mobiles. This is a major feature development which brings IJCA into a highly prestigious club of pioneer publishers.
  • Twitter: Integration of tweeter facility into the Digital Library. This will enable the researchers and viewers to promote an article onto the internet and disseminate the same in the fastest possible way. The platform will enable the user to directly tweet information regarding any individual article.
  • Metadata search: The users will be able to search the metadata associated with any individual article apart from basic text search.
  • Submission Facility: Very soon the authors will have access to a secure facility to submit their papers and intellectual property in the Digital Library.
  • Export Citation: IJCA is working on process to allow users to export citations in various formats including ASCII, Biblioscape, BibTex, CSV, EndNote, HTML, Reference Manager and RefWorks. Facility to email the citation to a friend directly from the DL is also under consideration.
  • Better reading experience: The article/chapter page has been redesigned to improve the online reading experience. There is now a better balanced design and focus on the article and its related features helping researchers to accelerate their scientific research as well as increase research productivity.
  • Multiple Versions:Any research work might become redundant after a prolong period of time. To tackle this universal issue, Webmaster Central is developing a proprietary process wherein the authors will be able to maintain multiple versions of their manuscripts in PDF versions. The PDFs will be listed in the order of submission dates. The authors who feel that their published research work needs an upgrade shall submit an updated version to the editor. The new version will undergo the same set of review process. The entire process of version control will be handled by proprietary algorithms.
  • Digital Newsletter: Very soon IJCA will roll out the first batch of bi-monthly newsletter. The newsletter is available only in the digital format. An attempt will be made to provide glimpses of the recent developments in the space of computer applications. The newsletter is a free-of-cost initiative of IJCA.