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Review of Robust Video Watermarking Techniques

Published on None 2011 by Rini T Paul
Computational Science - New Dimensions & Perspectives
Foundation of Computer Science USA
NCCSE - Number 3
None 2011
Authors: Rini T Paul

Rini T Paul . Review of Robust Video Watermarking Techniques. Computational Science - New Dimensions & Perspectives. NCCSE, 3 (None 2011), 90-95.

author = { Rini T Paul },
title = { Review of Robust Video Watermarking Techniques },
journal = { Computational Science - New Dimensions & Perspectives },
issue_date = { None 2011 },
volume = { NCCSE },
number = { 3 },
month = { None },
year = { 2011 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 90-95 },
numpages = 6,
url = { /specialissues/nccse/number3/1867-169/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Special Issue Article
%1 Computational Science - New Dimensions & Perspectives
%A Rini T Paul
%T Review of Robust Video Watermarking Techniques
%J Computational Science - New Dimensions & Perspectives
%@ 0975-8887
%N 3
%P 90-95
%D 2011
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

There has been a remarkable increase in the data exchange over web and the widespread use of digital media. The mounting interest with reference to digital watermarking throughout the last decade is certainly due to the increase in the need of copyright protection. Applications of video watermarking in copy control, broadcast monitoring, finger printing, video authentication, copyright protection etc is immensely rising. The main aspects of information hiding are capacity, security and robustness. The skill of anyone detecting the information is security and robustness refers to the resistance to modification of the cover content before concealed information is destroyed. Video watermarking algorithms normally prefers robustness. In robust algorithm it is not possible to eliminate the watermark without rigorous degradation of the cover content. In this paper, we introduce the notion of Video Watermarking and features required to design a robust watermarked video for valuable application and focus on various domains of video watermarking techniques.

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  8. X. Niu and S. Sun, "A New Wavelet-Based Digital Watermarking for Video," in Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop, 2000, pp. 241-245.
  9. S. Voloshynovskiy, S. Pereira, and T. Pun, "Attacks on Digital Watermarks: Classification, Estimation-Based Attacks, and Benchmarks,” Comm. Magazine, vol., pp. 118-126, Aug. 2001.
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


DWT Robust Techniques SVD Video Watermarking