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Expansion of the First Hindi-Nepali Word-Net Based Bi-Lingual Dictionary and the advancement of the Human-Machine Interface

Published on December 2011 by Shantanu Kar, Alok Chakrabarty
International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ICEICE - Number 6
December 2011
Authors: Shantanu Kar, Alok Chakrabarty

Shantanu Kar, Alok Chakrabarty . Expansion of the First Hindi-Nepali Word-Net Based Bi-Lingual Dictionary and the advancement of the Human-Machine Interface. International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering. ICEICE, 6 (December 2011), 8-11.

author = { Shantanu Kar, Alok Chakrabarty },
title = { Expansion of the First Hindi-Nepali Word-Net Based Bi-Lingual Dictionary and the advancement of the Human-Machine Interface },
journal = { International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering },
issue_date = { December 2011 },
volume = { ICEICE },
number = { 6 },
month = { December },
year = { 2011 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 8-11 },
numpages = 4,
url = { /specialissues/iceice/number6/4312-iceice045/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Special Issue Article
%1 International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering
%A Shantanu Kar
%A Alok Chakrabarty
%T Expansion of the First Hindi-Nepali Word-Net Based Bi-Lingual Dictionary and the advancement of the Human-Machine Interface
%J International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering
%@ 0975-8887
%N 6
%P 8-11
%D 2011
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

Natural Language Processing is introducing a new era in the field of Computer Science and Machine translation. Human- Machine interaction is to play a very important role in the coming centuries as the dependency of human over the machine is increasing variably. Word-Net was first introduced by Miller and Fellbaum in 1985. WordNet is a Lexical database for the Human Languages. It groups the Human Language into sets of synonyms called “synsets” which provides short, general definitions, and records the various semantic relations between these synonym sets. Word-Net based Bi-Lingual Dictionary (Started in January, 2009) is a part of the Nepali WordNet Project under Indo-WordNet Project. It is an approach towards the construction and application of Multilingual Indo-WordNet, which is a pioneering effort on Nepali to Hindi and vice versa translation. The making of the Hindi-Nepali Word-Net was a challenge to us as the machine has to translate the sense of each word to produce the expected result. One of the major reasons behind this is the non-availability of rich lexical re-sources in Hindi and Nepali. The Hindi-Nepali WordNet based dictionary is thus an endeavor to prepare a rich lexical resource for the Hindi and Nepali Languages for effective machine translation and to facilitate the development of Information and Communication Technologies in Hindi-Nepali. The endeavor is inspired by the famous English WordNet, Hindi Word-Net and the Nepali Word-Net (Nepali Word-Net is also, created by us as a research and project work at Assam University, Silchar as a part of the Indo-Word-Net Project). In this paper we have discussed about the expansion approach of first Hindi-Nepali WordNet based Bi-Lingual Dictionary, the linguistic challenges involved, Word-Net creation tool interface and the synsets’ storage structure.

  1. Shantanu Kar and Alok Chakrabarty, “An Approach Towards The Construction Of The First Hindi-Nepali Word-Net Based Bi-Lingual Dictionary And The Challenges Handled,” in proceedings of the ICACTEA’11: 1st IEEE International Conference On Adaptive Computer Technologies in various Engineering Applications, 2011.
  2. Alok Chakrabarty, Bipul Syam Purkayastha “Experiences in building the Nepali WordNet - insights and challenges, 5th Global Wordnet Conference (GWC 10), IIT Bombay-2010”
  3. Debasri Chakrabarti, Dipak Kumar Narayan, Prabhakar Pandey, and Pushpak Bhattacharyya.2002.“Experiences in building the Indo WordNet - A WordNet for .Hindi.”1st Global Wordnet Conference (GWC 02), Mysore, India, January, 2002.
  4. Fellbaum, C. (ed.) 1998. WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database. MIT Press.
  5. George A. Miller, Richard Beckwith, Christiane Fellbaum, Derek Gross, and Katherine J. Miller.1993. Five Papers on WordNet. MIT press.
  6. George Cardona and Dhanesh Jain (eds.) 2003. The Indo-Aryan languages, volume 2. Routledge Language Family Series, London and New York.
  7. Hindi WordNet Documentation. 2009.
  8. Manish Sinha, Mahesh Reddy, Pushpak Bhattacharyya. 2006. An Approach towards Construc-tion and Application of Multilingual IndoWordNet. 3rd Global Wordnet Conference (GWC 06), Jeju Island, Korea, January, 2006.
  9. Colin P. Masica. 1991. The Indo-Aryan Languages. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,UK.
  10. Nepali language. 2009. Online Hindi WordNet. 2009.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Word-Net Based Bi-Lingual Dictionary Human-Machine Interface