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Performance Analysis of Unsupervised Probabilistic, Possibilistic & Plausibilistic Clustering Algorithms for Brain Tissue Segmentation

Published on None 2010 by Suman K.Mitra, Ghanshyam D.Parmar
Computer Aided Soft Computing Techniques for Imaging and Biomedical Applications
Foundation of Computer Science USA
CASCT - Number 2
None 2010
Authors: Suman K.Mitra, Ghanshyam D.Parmar

Suman K.Mitra, Ghanshyam D.Parmar . Performance Analysis of Unsupervised Probabilistic, Possibilistic & Plausibilistic Clustering Algorithms for Brain Tissue Segmentation. Computer Aided Soft Computing Techniques for Imaging and Biomedical Applications. CASCT, 2 (None 2010), 93-98.

author = { Suman K.Mitra, Ghanshyam D.Parmar },
title = { Performance Analysis of Unsupervised Probabilistic, Possibilistic & Plausibilistic Clustering Algorithms for Brain Tissue Segmentation },
journal = { Computer Aided Soft Computing Techniques for Imaging and Biomedical Applications },
issue_date = { None 2010 },
volume = { CASCT },
number = { 2 },
month = { None },
year = { 2010 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 93-98 },
numpages = 6,
url = { /specialissues/casct/number2/1000-35/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Special Issue Article
%1 Computer Aided Soft Computing Techniques for Imaging and Biomedical Applications
%A Suman K.Mitra
%A Ghanshyam D.Parmar
%T Performance Analysis of Unsupervised Probabilistic, Possibilistic & Plausibilistic Clustering Algorithms for Brain Tissue Segmentation
%J Computer Aided Soft Computing Techniques for Imaging and Biomedical Applications
%@ 0975-8887
%N 2
%P 93-98
%D 2010
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

Segmentation of brain tissues is one important process prior to many analysis and visualization tasks for magnetic resonance (MR) images. Clustering is one of the unsupervised techniques for doing the segmentation. Clustering is done with probabilistic, possibilistic and plausibilistic approaches. Most of segmentation techniques have relied on multi channel characteristics of MR images while a few studies have reported segmentation from single channel MR images. Owing to operator performance, limitation of equipment and environmental conditions MR images contain noise. This noise can lead to serious inaccuracies in the segmentation result. We conduct the research in measuring the performance of crisp and fuzzy clustering algorithms with probabilistic, possibilistic and plausibilistic approach in different noise level for single channel MR image. To validate the accuracy and robustness of the result of clustering algorithms we carried out experiments on simulated MR brain scans. The performance of algorithms is analyzed form three measures namely: number of iterations required, misclassification error and per class (tissue) misclassification error in different noise level present in the single-channel MR image.

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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Single-channel MR image segmentation unsupervised clustering algorithm brain tissue classification