CFP last date
20 March 2025
General Information

IJCA Research Data Preservation Drive (RDPD)

RDPD has a minimum set of criteria for conferences to participate in RDPD.

What is RDPD?

RDPD is the acronym for Research Data Preservation Drive. It is an IJCA program funded by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA (FCS). RDPD publishes conference proceedings and archive it permanently on IJCA and mirror server systems. The papers are made available to the international scientific communities for reference and citation. The papers are also indexed with prestigious indices such as DOAJ, Google Scholar, Informatics, ProQuest CSA Technology Research Database, NASA ADS, ScientificCommons (Univ. of St Gallens), University of Karlsruhe, Germany, Georgetown University Library, USA at. al. RDPD also provides recognition and endorsement to the participating conference internationally.

Who can participate?

Research Data Preservation Drive (RDPD) invites conference organizers to submit the conference proceedings or selected set of papers for publication and archiving under RDPD program as a special issue.

Is there any charges involved?

RDPD is a free-of-cost initiative funded by Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), New York, USA. No fees or any charges need to be paid by the conference organizers.

What are the benefits of RDPD?
  • The research will be available to the millions of the researchers working on similar fields.
  • The H-index of the authors can be improved.
  • The citation of each paper will increase due to exposure to the millions of researchers globally.
  • The paper will indexed with prestigious indexes such as DOAJ, Google Scholar, Informatics, ProQuest CSA Technology Research Database, NASA ADS, ScientificCommons (Univ. of St Gallens), University of Karlsruhe, Germany, Georgetown University Library et. al.
  • Participating conferences are recognized and endorsed by IJCA and Foundation of Computer Science (FCS) worldwide. Future conference editions are eligible to seek conference sponsorship.
Our conference proceedings are already published. Is there any need to participate in RDPD?

If you have transferred the copyright to any publisher, RDPD cannot publish the full text of the submitted papers. In this case, RDPD will publish the abstracts and provide a link to the readers to the full text of the paper.

Will the abstracts be indexed with DOAJ, Google Scholar et. al?

Abstracts will be indexed with the prestigious indexes like DOAJ, Google Scholar, Informatics, ProQuest CSA Technology Research Database, NASA ADS, ScientificCommons (Univ. of St Gallens), University of Karlsruhe, Germany, Georgetown University Library et. al.

What should we do to participate in RDPD program?

The conference organizers willing to participate in the RDPD program need to provide the DOC/DOCX versions of the papers that were submitted in their conference. They can either send the papers via email or FTP them directly on any of the IJCA server systems. The organizers should email their interest to

For any inquiry, please feel free to contact the 24/7 editorial support team at