National Level Technical Conference X-PLORE 2013 |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
XPLORE - Number 1 |
March 2013 |
Authors: Jaykumar S. Karnewar, Milind V. Sarode |
Jaykumar S. Karnewar, Milind V. Sarode . The Combined Effect of Median and FIR Filter in Pre-processing of ECG Signal using Matlab. National Level Technical Conference X-PLORE 2013. XPLORE, 1 (March 2013), 30-33.
The ECG (Electrocardiogram) signal is continuous in nature and abruptly changing. For taking intelligent health care decisions related with heart diseases such as paroxysmal of heart, arrhythmia diagnosing, ECG signal needs to be pre-process accurately for the further action on it such as extracting the features, wavelet decomposition, distribution of QRS complexes in ECG recordings and related information such as heart rate and RR interval, classification of the signal by using various classifiers etc. Digital filters plays very significant role in the analysis of the low frequency components in ECG signal. Numbers of biomedical signals are of low frequency, the removal of baseline wander and power line interference is a very important step at the pre-processing stage of ECG. This paper deals with the study of FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filtering and Median Filtering of ECG signals under noisy condition. The results shows that the combination of Median and FIR filter for the pre-processing of ECG signal is more beneficiary and effective for the later analysis.