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Partitioning VLSI Circuits

Published on May 2012 by Geetika, Amardeep Singh
National Workshop-Cum-Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computing 2011
Foundation of Computer Science USA
RTMC - Number 15
May 2012
Authors: Geetika, Amardeep Singh

Geetika, Amardeep Singh . Partitioning VLSI Circuits. National Workshop-Cum-Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computing 2011. RTMC, 15 (May 2012), 26-28.

author = { Geetika, Amardeep Singh },
title = { Partitioning VLSI Circuits },
journal = { National Workshop-Cum-Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computing 2011 },
issue_date = { May 2012 },
volume = { RTMC },
number = { 15 },
month = { May },
year = { 2012 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 26-28 },
numpages = 3,
url = { /proceedings/rtmc/number15/7147-1122/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 National Workshop-Cum-Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computing 2011
%A Geetika
%A Amardeep Singh
%T Partitioning VLSI Circuits
%J National Workshop-Cum-Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computing 2011
%@ 0975-8887
%N 15
%P 26-28
%D 2012
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

Partitioning is a critical area of VLSI CAD. In order to build complex digital logic circuits it is often essential to sub-divide a circuit into smaller parts. Circuit partitioning plays an important role in physical design automation of very large scale integration (VLSI) chips. In VLSI circuit partitioning the problem of obtaining minimum cut is of prime importance. To enhance other criteria like power, delay and area in addition to minimum cit is included.

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  3. B. W. Kernighan and S. Lin, An Efficient Heuristic Procedure for Partitioning Graphs", Bell System Tech. Journal volume. 49,Feb. 1970, pp. 291-307.
  4. C. M. Fiduccia and R. M. Mattheyses, "A Linear-time heuristic for Improving Network partitions" Proc. ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conf. , 1982, pp 175-181
  5. Augeri,C. J. ;Ali,H. H "New Graph Based Algorithms For Partitioning VLSI Circuits"Circuits aSystems ,2004. ISCAS apos ;04. Proceeding of the 2004 International Symposium on Volume 3,Issue , 23-26 May 2004
  6. . Raslam Hasim Al Abaji Evolutinary techniques for partitioning VlSI circuits. Department of computer engineering May 2001.
  7. . K. A Sumitra Devi ,N. P Banashree and Annamma Abraham. Comparitive study of Evolutionary Model and Clustering Methods in VLSI circuit Partitioning.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Vlsi Circuit Partitioning delay cut Size