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Security Attacks In Mobile Adhoc Networks

Published on May 2012 by Monu Singh, Ajay Singh, Rajesh Tanwar, Ritu Chauhan
National Workshop-Cum-Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computing 2011
Foundation of Computer Science USA
RTMC - Number 11
May 2012
Authors: Monu Singh, Ajay Singh, Rajesh Tanwar, Ritu Chauhan

Monu Singh, Ajay Singh, Rajesh Tanwar, Ritu Chauhan . Security Attacks In Mobile Adhoc Networks. National Workshop-Cum-Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computing 2011. RTMC, 11 (May 2012), 26-30.

author = { Monu Singh, Ajay Singh, Rajesh Tanwar, Ritu Chauhan },
title = { Security Attacks In Mobile Adhoc Networks },
journal = { National Workshop-Cum-Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computing 2011 },
issue_date = { May 2012 },
volume = { RTMC },
number = { 11 },
month = { May },
year = { 2012 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 26-30 },
numpages = 5,
url = { /proceedings/rtmc/number11/6703-1101/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 National Workshop-Cum-Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computing 2011
%A Monu Singh
%A Ajay Singh
%A Rajesh Tanwar
%A Ritu Chauhan
%T Security Attacks In Mobile Adhoc Networks
%J National Workshop-Cum-Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computing 2011
%@ 0975-8887
%N 11
%P 26-30
%D 2012
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

In this paper, we describe the security issues in Mobile adhoc networks. MANET has no clear line of defense, so, it is accessible to both legitimate network users and malicious attackers. In the presence of malicious nodes, one of the main challenges in MANET is to design the robust security solution that can protect MANET from various routing attacks. However, these solution are not suitable for MANET resource constraints, i.e., limited bandwidth and battery power, because they introduce heavy traffic load to exchange and verifying keys. In this paper, the current security issues in MANET are investigated. Particularly, we have examined different routing attacks, such as flooding, black hole, spoofing, wormhole, Sybil and rerr generation attacks, as well as existing solutions to protect MANET protocols.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Dynamic network MANET