Recent Innovations in Computer Science and Information Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
RICSIT2016 - Number 1 |
September 2016 |
Authors: Mohinder Kaur Sidhu, Yashwant Singh, Pradeep Kumar Singh |
Mohinder Kaur Sidhu, Yashwant Singh, Pradeep Kumar Singh . Localization and Classification of Species in a Habitat in WSN: A species perspective. Recent Innovations in Computer Science and Information Technology. RICSIT2016, 1 (September 2016), 8-12.
In past few years Wireless Sensor Networks have got large engrossment from the researchers as well as the scientific society. With their extensive application in almost every field, the hunt for measures to take advantage of the sensors in the most beneficiary way has begun. In this review paper we shall discuss about the relevance of wireless sensor networks in the area of localisation. A wide variety of sensors have been deployed in the spectrum of wireless sensor networks to scale various types of habitats in the challenging scenarios. The rush to look out for cost-efficient, energy-efficient and accurate sensors and sensor algorithms is keeping the researchers on their toes. In this paper we shall go through a brief study of the various existing algorithms and hence draw a comparison analysis amongst them based on the parameters which hold importance to researchers.