Recent Advances in Wireless Communication and Artificial Intelligence |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
RAWCAI - Number 3 |
September 2014 |
Authors: Arvind Shekhar Joshi, Dhirendra Mathur |
Arvind Shekhar Joshi, Dhirendra Mathur . A Wideband Aperture Coupled Parasitic Patch Array on LTCC Substrate. Recent Advances in Wireless Communication and Artificial Intelligence. RAWCAI, 3 (September 2014), 9-11.
One of the major challenges in next-generation, highly integrated, wireless system-on-packages (SOP) is to integrate the antenna into the package. The multilayer low temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) is an attractive technology in this domain as it offers desired integration of antenna as well as miniaturization due to the high dielectric constant of substrate material. Antenna design for wide band applications is also a major challenge. This paper presents design of an aperture coupled microstrip patch antenna on LTCC substrate operating in the 24. 125 GHz ISM band. Bandwidth of more than 5 GHz is achieved by adding gap coupled parasitic patch elements on all four sides of the fed patch and by cutting cavity beneath the patch elements.