National Seminar on Recent Trends in Cloud Computing |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NSRCC - Number 1 |
May 2014 |
Authors: Prachi Sontakke |
Prachi Sontakke . e-Insurance Trend with Benefit Illustration in a Cloud Computing Environment. National Seminar on Recent Trends in Cloud Computing. NSRCC, 1 (May 2014), 16-19.
e-Insurance Account form is an upcoming technology in India which acquires policyholder's previous policy data (from any other Insurance company) to check whether he may apply for the new policy again. Therefore, a cloud-based network enables each of the Insurance companies to communicate within themselves in a secure manner. Benefit Illustration (BI) is detailed calculation measure which allows the client to see the comparisons between each of the client's interested company's policy plan and also provides him with a best suitable plan. Many a times client needs to interact directly with a financial advisor (expert) in case of susceptible doubt or most of the times for the assurance of the policy. Various ways such as face-to-face communication, telephone interaction and video links are being provided for a better intercommunication. Search engine is another way for a client to check the policy plans of a specified company- this would direct the client towards the company's website. BI, expert interaction and search engine are collaborated into one application called InsuranceApp, which is then provided to the client in the cloud â SaaS (Software-as-a-service).