National Seminar on Recent Trends in Cloud Computing |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NSRCC - Number 1 |
May 2014 |
Authors: Shriram D. Raut, Rajivkumar Mente, Ashok Shinde |
Shriram D. Raut, Rajivkumar Mente, Ashok Shinde . A Dominant Cryptosystem using Biometric Trait and Multiparty Cipher. National Seminar on Recent Trends in Cloud Computing. NSRCC, 1 (May 2014), 3-5.
The biometric is science of recognizing person based on physiological and behavioral characteristics. The cryptographic system assures our data during transmission and tends to form a secure message. This paper discusses about concatenation of biometric trait and multiparty cipher. A message needs a security mechanism that keeps data protected from security attacks. This paper is a stepping stone towards prominent security services; an approach is to use human as token of authorization. A biometric trait may be palm, face; finger etc. and multiparty cipher consist of chaining of symmetric ciphers. The fusion of such characteristic leads us a much dominant cryptosystem and using this we can make messaging or communication quite secure.