National Conference on Next Generation Technologies for e-Business, e-Education and e-Society |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NGTBES2016 - Number 1 |
July 2016 |
Authors: Ashwin Perti, Munesh Chandra Trivedi |
Ashwin Perti, Munesh Chandra Trivedi . Markov Process for Behaviour Analysis in Social Media. National Conference on Next Generation Technologies for e-Business, e-Education and e-Society. NGTBES2016, 1 (July 2016), 31-33.
Social Network Analysis (SNA) provides tools to examine relationships between people. Here Markov Process is used to examine the behavior of the people involved in Social Networks. Markov process is the stochastic process in which the behavior evolves over time in a probabilistic manner. In this paper, Markov process is used to describe people's interests and to find out the people with similar interests. It is found that the expected positive relationship between sharing interests and communicating among people. Here focus is on analyzing the behavior of people who are using Social Networking sites.