National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCRTCSIT2016 - Number 2 |
June 2016 |
Authors: Tahura Shaikh, Deepa Deshpande |
Tahura Shaikh, Deepa Deshpande . A Review on Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis. National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology. NCRTCSIT2016, 2 (June 2016), 6-9.
Opinion Mining or Sentiment Analysis is a field of data mining. Opinion Mining is a form of Natural Language Processing which is used to record the attitude of people towards a particular subject or product. Mainly Opinion Mining classifies the given review as positive, neutral or negative. Recently Opinion Mining has accomplished much focus due to availability of vast amount of opinion rich web resources in digital form such as discussion forums, review sites, blogs etc. As the use of e-commerce websites is increasing profusely, users not only buy a product on websites but also give their feedback and suggestions that will be beneficial to other users. The collected user reviews are examined, analyzed and organized to make better decision. The paper reviews the recent research work carried out in the area of opinion mining. It also outlines framework and the steps which are carried out in opinion mining. There are distinct kind of Opinion Mining such as sentence level, document level, and aspect or feature level. It aids consumers in better decision making. For a business it helps to predict brand perception, reputation management, and new product perception. An Organization gets to know their manufacture from perspective of end user. An Opinion can be direct opinion or comparative opinion. Different Machine Learning algorithms like Naïve Bayes, SVM, ANN, Maximum Likelihood, and Decision Tree are used for various tasks which are carried out in sentiment analysis.