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Study of Framework for Mobile Interface

Published on May 2012 by K. H. Walse, R. V. Dharaskar, V. M. Thakare
National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing
Foundation of Computer Science USA
NCRTC - Number 9
May 2012
Authors: K. H. Walse, R. V. Dharaskar, V. M. Thakare

K. H. Walse, R. V. Dharaskar, V. M. Thakare . Study of Framework for Mobile Interface. National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing. NCRTC, 9 (May 2012), 14-16.

author = { K. H. Walse, R. V. Dharaskar, V. M. Thakare },
title = { Study of Framework for Mobile Interface },
journal = { National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing },
issue_date = { May 2012 },
volume = { NCRTC },
number = { 9 },
month = { May },
year = { 2012 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 14-16 },
numpages = 3,
url = { /proceedings/ncrtc/number9/6583-1073/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing
%A K. H. Walse
%A R. V. Dharaskar
%A V. M. Thakare
%T Study of Framework for Mobile Interface
%J National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing
%@ 0975-8887
%N 9
%P 14-16
%D 2012
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

An adaphve user interface M supposed to adapt itself to the characteristics of an individual user. It is widely accepted that such an adaptation requires the interface to mamtain a user model embedded in the system However, there are many unresolved problems with respeet to collecting reformation about the user and applying it in order to adapt the interface successfully.

  1. Christoph G. Thorrtas & Mette Krogsczter, An Adaptive Environment For The User Interface Of Excel, , Intelligent User Interfaces '93, pp 123-130
  2. Thomas KGhme, A User-Centered Approach To Adaptive Interfaces, Intelligent User Interfaces '93, pp 243-245
  3. Luca Cavallaro and Elisabetta Di Nitto, An Approach to Adapt Service Requests to Actual Service Interfaces, SEAMS'08, May 12–13, 2008, Leipzig, German
  4. Ondrej Krejcar, Complex Mobile User Adaptive System Framework For Mobile Wireless Devices, un published work
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Adaptable Adaptivity Adpative Interfaces