National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCRTC - Number 3 |
May 2012 |
Authors: Vikrant Gangan, C. N. S. Sisma, Monisha Menon, Aditya Gupta |
Vikrant Gangan, C. N. S. Sisma, Monisha Menon, Aditya Gupta . Tagging and Clustering of Objects in Videos. National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing. NCRTC, 3 (May 2012), 23-25.
"Tagging" in videos is an extension of the image tagging application. Just as people can be tagged in images, a system can be developed to carry out tagging in video clips. Using this, people can automatically be identified ("tagged") wherever they are present in a video clip. The paper discusses the design of the system which identifies the real world objects in a video clip. The object to be searched can be provided by the user in the form of an image. The object is specified by a user outlining it in an image, and the object is then delineated in the retrieved shots. The aim is to detect and track presence of required objects in a video and for thesearching to be view-point invariant. Finally, the searched object can be tracked throughout the video by clustering all of its occurrences into a single video. This can be used for analyzing any possible changes the object might have undergone during the length of the video.