National Conference on Recent Trends in Mobile and Cloud Computing |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCRMC2015 - Number 2 |
November 2015 |
Authors: Ruchita D.londhe, Swati S. Sherekar, V. M. Thakare |
Ruchita D.londhe, Swati S. Sherekar, V. M. Thakare . Ephemeral Analysis of Mobile Video Streaming in Cloud Environment. National Conference on Recent Trends in Mobile and Cloud Computing. NCRMC2015, 2 (November 2015), 31-34.
Mobile cloud computing (MCC) is emerging concept it combined two main computing techniques one is mobile computing and another is cloud computing. In smart phone it is a potential technology. Combination of mobile and cloud computing is able to overcome obstacles related to the mobile performance, environment and security and provide better quality of multimedia data in smart phone. Multimedia data bases such as text, audio, video data bases need security. Security, privacy and integrity of data are demanded in every operation performed on internet. In mobile platforms video sharing and streaming is done in successful way. The cloud computing paradigm is used for fast and intelligent processing in near-real time data transmission such as audio, video, text and games. Mobile cloud computing is bridging the widening gap between the mobile multimedia demand and the capability of various mobile devices. This paper studies a various video streaming technique and analyzes the better method for increase quality of services.