National Conference on Recent Trends in Mobile and Cloud Computing |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCRMC2015 - Number 1 |
November 2015 |
Authors: Shubham Innani, Jeevesh Kumar Prabhakar |
Shubham Innani, Jeevesh Kumar Prabhakar . GiFi (Gigabit Fidelity) Technology. National Conference on Recent Trends in Mobile and Cloud Computing. NCRMC2015, 1 (November 2015), 14-17.
In this paper, brief information about GiFi ( Gigabit Fidelity ) Technology is there. So first what is GiFi Technology? GiFi or Gigabit Fidelity or Gigabit Wireless is the world's first transceiver integrated on a single chip that operates at 60 GHz frequency band. GiFi has the data transfer speed upto 5 Gbps. The Man behind GiFi evolution is Stan Skafidis. In this paper, the brief introduction and evolution of GiFi is there. It also helps to know the architecture and working of GiFi. The readers would come across the features and advantages of GiFi. It also contains the advantages of GiFi over Bluetooth and WiFi. The best part about the GiFi Technology is its power consumption, it consumes only 2watts of power for its operation with antenna (1mm). One of the important part of GiFi technology is its cost effectiveness, it is cheap in cost. It is small in size, Highly portable and it provides High security. In addition, the readers would get know the various applications of GiFi such as in Office Appliances, Wireless PAN, etc. The evolution of GiFi came into existence due to the need of Higher data transfer rate and Lower power consumption.