National Conference on Research Issues in Image Analysis and Mining Intelligence |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCRIIAMI2015 - Number 2 |
June 2015 |
Authors: S.pannirselvam, G.balakrishnan |
S.pannirselvam, G.balakrishnan . Comparative Study on Preprocessing Techniques on Automatic Speech Recognition for Tamil Language. National Conference on Research Issues in Image Analysis and Mining Intelligence. NCRIIAMI2015, 2 (June 2015), 25-28.
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is a flourishing and swift area for the conversion of acoustic signals acquired from human speech into various other forms such as text, actions, etc. , Conversion of Speech To Text (STT) is an incredible and challenging Task. In this paper, we present the study on comparing various digital representations for recording the speech, various pre-emphasis methods for removing the unwanted background noises from the recorded acoustics using suitable filtering techniques. The Filters also help to identify the formant waves for the betterment of syllable and phonetic identification in the subsequent operations for the detection of corresponding alphabetical text on STT Process. This study focuses only on the human speech source as in Tamil which is one among the various Dravidian Languages in India. The connection between oral and written form in Tamil is that individual phonetic segment of the speech denotes individual Tamil alphabets. This feature makes the recognition process as easier and accurate. The detection of location of each phoneme in the speech samples are based on accurate preprocessing outputs of the given speech signal. The last section of this paper shows the experimental results that compare the performance of some of the powerful pre-emphasis methods which are suitable for the Tamil utterance. Finally, we give the suggestions to prefer to use a particular method for the good segmentation.