National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCRENB2015 - Number 1 |
May 2015 |
Authors: Sagar Narkar, Supriya Kore, Rutuja Jamgekar, Siddhesh Doiphode |
Sagar Narkar, Supriya Kore, Rutuja Jamgekar, Siddhesh Doiphode . DTMF based Hybrid Robot for Air and Land. National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building. NCRENB2015, 1 (May 2015), 5-8.
This research and development focused on hybrid robot for air and land. Hybrid robot is combination of wheeled robot and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system also called as Drone. Drone is controlled by using Telemetry module and wheeled robot is controlled by using Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) module. Electronic Speed Controllers (ESC's) are used for balancing the speed of Drone and Flight Controllers are used for take-off and landing. Humidity, light and temperature sensors are implemented for measuring the weather in surrounding environment. Ultra sonic Sensors are used for proper landing and obstacle avoidance. Signals originating from sensors are sensed by microcontroller. This system results in hovering of drone with maintaining its proper balance and constant stability. Maximum time operated of drone is eight minutes using 2200 mAh Lipo battery. Battery performance can be increased by using large battery capacity.