National Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCRAIT - Number 4 |
February 2014 |
Authors: Sahebrao N Shinde, Chitra Desai |
Sahebrao N Shinde, Chitra Desai . Object Oriented Data Model for Constraint Management. National Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology. NCRAIT, 4 (February 2014), 38-41.
Object-Oriented Database started becoming popular because of their very powerful features like persistence, support of transactions, simple querying of bulk data, concurrent access, resilience, security. OODBMS were meant for more complex data handling. The inherent complex nature of OODBMS led towards identification and analysis of integrity constraints. In order to better understand the nature of integrity constraints in OODBMS, 31 constraints are studied in light of RDBMS with examples using Oracle. Based on the study of identified constraints we have proposed Object Oriented Data Model which will form an interface between object oriented DBMS and object oriented Programming Language; here in case java programming language. The interface has effectively handled various integrity constraints issues available in the existing OOODBMs thereby giving a solution of constraint management at various levels.