National Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCRAIT - Number 1 |
February 2014 |
Authors: Vishnu B, Manjunath T N, Hamsa C |
Vishnu B, Manjunath T N, Hamsa C . An Effective Data Warehouse Security Framework. National Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology. NCRAIT, 1 (February 2014), 33-37.
In today's electronic world, everyday data is being generated every minute, for every online transaction, in all domains. Since data being very important for any business domains, masking data is a very important entity. Now in most of the enterprises all of these data are stored in a Data warehouse. Since Data warehouse stores the sensitive data to any business enterprises, this is a common target for the hackers to leak the data. Therefore providing security to these Data warehouses is a challenging task. Now we propose a Data masking technique that will protect these Data warehouses. Data masking is a technique in which we replace the original set of data with another set of data that is not real but realistic. The numeric data is masked using a mathematical formula that makes use of modulus operator. Here we also make use of injecting false rows that increases the overall data security strength by creating randomness in the data. Implementation of this method is done on a real-world data warehouse and is implemented on oracle 10g and the results show that the method is a better onethan the existing solution.