National Conference on Innovative Paradigms in Engineering & Technology 2013 |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCIPET2013 - Number 7 |
December 2013 |
Authors: Priti B. Junankar, S. L. Badjate |
Priti B. Junankar, S. L. Badjate . Automated Multi-storeyed Circular Parking System. National Conference on Innovative Paradigms in Engineering & Technology 2013. NCIPET2013, 7 (December 2013), 6-8.
With the increasing use of automobiles, the demand for safe and convenient parking systems has become inevitable. Parking in crowded places has indeed become laborious and time consuming. This emerges the need for automation in parking systems. In the "AUTOMATED MULTI-STOREYED CIRCULAR PARKING SYSTEM" we are mainly concerned with the ameliorations in the fields of car parking systems. This system includes a multi-storeyed building for parking cars which can be constructed above as well as below the ground level. Each floor of this building is drawn into concentric circular rings containing parking slots. The inner and outer ring of slots is connected by means of a rectangular plate which revolves between the two circular rings of slots. A slider will be mounted on this rectangular plate which will lift the car from the elevator and park it in the parking slot and vice versa. The position of rectangular plate is controlled with help of mechanical switches. The whole mechanism will be controlled by microcontroller 8051. For the safety of cars, scratch card and password verification systems are used. A magnetic card will be used as a scratch card and an optocoupler will constitute the card detection system. A 10 digit keypad is used for entering the password. For the convenience of the users, an LCD will display instructions for the user while red and green LEDs will indicate whether the system is busy or ready for use respectively.