National Conference on Innovative Paradigms in Engineering & Technology 2013 |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCIPET2013 - Number 3 |
December 2013 |
Authors: Trupti Dange, T. S.yengantiwar |
Trupti Dange, T. S.yengantiwar . Eye Estimation to detect Drowsiness. National Conference on Innovative Paradigms in Engineering & Technology 2013. NCIPET2013, 3 (December 2013), 9-13.
An Eye estimation technique has been developed, using a non-intrusive machine vision based concepts. The system uses a small monochrome security camera that points directly towards the driver's face and monitors the driver's eyes in order to detect fatigue This paper describes how to find the eyes, and determine the status of the eyes are open or closed. An application of Viola Jones algorithm is used for Face detection and tracking. The Haar like feature is developed, which was a primary objective of the project. Haar like feature is a classifier which is trained with a few hundreds of positive and negative examples that are scaled to the same size. The system deals with using information obtained for the binary version of the image to find the edges of the face, which narrows the area of where the eyes may exist. . Taking into account the knowledge that eye regions in the face present in uppermost quadrants, we consider extraction of eyes for calculations. Once the eyes are located, we can use various Matlab image processing tool to determine whether the eyes are open or closed.