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A Study of Sofware Reuse and Models

Published on March 2012 by Ashwin B. Tomar, V. M. Thakare
2nd National Conference on Innovative Paradigms in Engineering and Technology (NCIPET 2013)
Foundation of Computer Science USA
NCIPET - Number 15
March 2012
Authors: Ashwin B. Tomar, V. M. Thakare

Ashwin B. Tomar, V. M. Thakare . A Study of Sofware Reuse and Models. 2nd National Conference on Innovative Paradigms in Engineering and Technology (NCIPET 2013). NCIPET, 15 (March 2012), 14-17.

author = { Ashwin B. Tomar, V. M. Thakare },
title = { A Study of Sofware Reuse and Models },
journal = { 2nd National Conference on Innovative Paradigms in Engineering and Technology (NCIPET 2013) },
issue_date = { March 2012 },
volume = { NCIPET },
number = { 15 },
month = { March },
year = { 2012 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 14-17 },
numpages = 4,
url = { /proceedings/ncipet/number15/5304-1116/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 2nd National Conference on Innovative Paradigms in Engineering and Technology (NCIPET 2013)
%A Ashwin B. Tomar
%A V. M. Thakare
%T A Study of Sofware Reuse and Models
%J 2nd National Conference on Innovative Paradigms in Engineering and Technology (NCIPET 2013)
%@ 0975-8887
%N 15
%P 14-17
%D 2012
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

This paper aims to provide a base for software reuse and its models through systematic study of papers. The paper identifies the scope, recent trends and future scope of software reuse and its models

  1. Maurizio Morisio, Michel Ezran, Colin Tully, “Success and Failure Factors in Software Reuse”, IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 28, No .4, April 2002.
  2. Amir Tomer, Leah Goldin, Tsvi Kuflik, Esther Kimchi, Stephen R Schach, “Evaluating Software Reuse Alternatives: A model and its Application to an Industrial Case Study” IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 30, No .9, April 2004.,
  3. Marcus A. Rothenberger, Kelvin J. Dooley, Uday R. Kulkarni, Nader Nada, “Strategies for Software Reuse: A Principal Component Analysis of Reuse Practices”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 3, September 2003.
  4. Rob van Ommering,”Software Reuse in Product Population”, IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 7, July 2005.
  5. Cagatay Catal, “Barriers to the Adoption of Software Product Line Engineering”, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol 34, No-6, Nov 2009.
  6. Yong-liu, Aiguang-yang, “Research and Application of Software Reuse”, Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel / Distributed Computing, IEEE, 2007.
  7. Mihai Dinsoreanu, Iosif Ignat, “A value Analysis Model for Measuring Software Reuse”, 2009, IEEE.
  8. By Paul D. Whitman and Terry Ryan, “Thinking Big for Reuse”, Communications of the ACM, Jan 2010, Vol 53, No-1.
  9. B. Jalender, Dr. A. Govardhan, Dr. P.Premchand, “A Pragmatic Approach to Software Reuse“, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2005-2010,
  10. G.N.K.Suresh Babu, Dr.S.K.Srivastasa, “Analysis and Measure of Software Reusability”, International Journal of Reviews in Computing, 2009,
  11. Miguel Goulao, “Component Based Software Engineering”. ACM, OOPSLA October 16-20, 2005, Diego, California, USA.
  12. Sarbjeet Singh, Manjit Thapa, Sukhvinder Singh, Gurpreet Singh, “Software Engineering – Survey of Reusability Based on Software Components”, International Journal of Computer Application (0975-8887), Vol 8, No-12, October 2010.
  13. K.S. Jasmine, R. Vasantha, “DRE- A Reuse Metric for Component based Software Products”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2007.
  14. Karma Sherif, Ajay Vinze, “Barriers to adoption of software reuse a qualitative Study”, Information & Management, Elsevier Science, 2003,
  15. Hisham Haddad, Herbert Tesser, “Reusable Subsystems: Domain Based Approach”. SAC 2002, Madrid Spain.
  16. kung-ki Lau,”Software Component Models“, ICSE 2006.
  17. B. Jalender, N. Gowtham, K.Praveen Kumar, K. Murahari, K. Sampath, “Technical Impediments to Software Reuse”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology,Vol2(11), 2010 (6136-6139).
  18. Jared Fortune, Ricardo Valerdi, Barrry W. Bohem, F. Stan Settles, “Estimating System Engineering Reuse”, 7th Annual Conference on System Engineering Research 2009 (CSER 2009).
  19. R.K.Raj, H.M.Levy, “A Compostional Model for Software Reuse”, The Computer Journal, Vol.32, No-4, 1989.
  20. Huzumi Nakano, Mao Zheng, Kasi Periyasamy, Zhe Wei, “An Empirical Study on Software Reuse“, 2008, International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2008 IEEE.
  21. Luciana Akemi Burgareli, Selma, S.S. Melnikoff, Mauricio G. V. Ferreira, “A Software Model Reuse Strategy for Brazilian Satellite Launcher”, 19 Australian Conference on Software Engineering, 2008 IEEE.
  22. William Frakes, Carol Terry, “Software Reuse: metrics and models”, ACM Computing Surveys (1996).
  23. Nasib Singh Gill, Pradeep Tomar, “Modified Development Process of Components- Based Software Engineering”, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, March 2010,Vol-35, No-2.
  24. Kung-Kiu Lau, Zheng Wang,“Software Component Models”, IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 39, No.10, October 2007.
  25. Fazel-e-Amin, Ahmad Kamil Mahmood, Alan Oxley, “Reusability Assessment of Open Source Components for Software Product Lines”, International Journal on New Computer Architectures and Their Applications (IJNCAA), The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communication 2011.
  26. B. Jalender, Dr. A. Govardhan, Dr. P. Premchand, “Breaking the Boundaries for Software Component Reuse Technology“, International Journal of Computer Application (0975-8887), Vol 13, No-6, Jan 2011.
  27. Fazel-e-Amin, Ahmad Kamil Mahmood, Alan Oxley, “A Review of Software Component Reusability Assessment Approaches”, Research Journal of Information Technology 3(1):1-11, 2011.
  28. Jiri Adamek, Petr Hnetynka, “Perspectives in Component based Software Engineering”, SEESE 2008, ACM,
  29. Omprakash Sangwan, Pradeep Kumar Bhatia, Yogesh Singh, “Software Reusability Assessment Using Soft Computing Techniques”, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Jan 2011, Vol-36,No1.
  30. Arun Sharma, Rajesh Kumar, P.S.Grover, “Managing Component Based Systems with Reusable Components“, International Journal of Computer Science and Security, Vol 1: Issue (2)
  31. Maryoly Ortega, Anna Griman, Maria Perez, Luis E. Mendoza, “Reuse Strategy based on Reuse Certification of Reusable Components “, IEEE 2007.
  32. CH.V.M.K. Hari, Prasad Reddy, J.N.V.R Swarup Kumar, G.ShriRamGanesh, “Identifying the Importance of Software reuse in COCOMO81, COCOMOII”, International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering”, Vol.1 (3), 2009, 142-147.
  33. Jeremiah Vincent Finnigan, Jeffrey Blanchette, “A forward looking Software Reuse Strategy”, IEEE 2008.
  34. Jiang Guo, Luqi, “A Survey of Software Repositoriess”, ARO (38690-MA) and DARPA (99-F759).
  35. WangChengjun, “Architecture Driven Component Development for Top-Down Software Reuse”, International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2008 IEEE.
  36. Diomidis Spinellis, “Cracking Software Reuse”, IEEE Software, 2007.
  37. Xia Cai, Michael R. Lyu, Kam-Fai Wong, Roy Ko, “Component Based Software Engineering: Technologies, Development Frameworks and Reuse Assurance Schemes“, IEEE 2000.
  38. Volker H. Schroeter, “A Framework for the 2000. Development and Implementation of Reuse Models”, IEEE
  39. Pietro Abate, Jaap Boender, Roberto Di Cosmo, Stefano Zacchiroli, “Strong Dependencies between Software Components”, Third International Symposium on Empirical Engineering and Measurement”, 2009, IEEE.
  40. Xunmei GU, Jun SHI, “Reuse Metrics for Object- Oriented Method”, 2010 IEEE.
  41. A. Mili, S.Fowler Chmiel, R. Gottumukkala, L. Zhang, “An Integrated Cost Model for Software Reuse”, ICSE, ACM, 2000.
  42. Jasmine K.S, Dr. R.Vasantha, “A, New Process Model for Reuse Based Software Development Approach”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, 2008, Vol I, July 2-4, London.
  43. Zhuo Kang, Yan Li, Li-shan Kartg, “Automatic Programming Methodology for Program Reuse”, 2006, IEEE.
  44. Maurizio Morisio, Michel Ezran, Colin Tully, “Success and Failure Factors in Software Reuse”, IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 28, No .4, April 2002.
  45. Amir Tomer, Leah Goldin, Tsvi Kuflik, Esther Kimchi, Stephen R Schach, “Evaluating Software Reuse Alternatives: A model and its Application to an Industrial Case Study” IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 30, No .9, April 2004.,
  46. Marcus A. Rothenberger, Kelvin J. Dooley, Uday R. Kulkarni, Nader Nada, “Strategies for Software Reuse: A Principal Component Analysis of Reuse Practices”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 3, September 2003.
  47. Rob van Ommering,”Software Reuse in Product Population”, IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 7, July 2005.
  48. Cagatay Catal, “Barriers to the Adoption of Software Product Line Engineering”, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol 34, No-6, Nov 2009.
  49. Yong-liu, Aiguang-yang, “Research and Application of Software Reuse”, Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel / Distributed Computing, IEEE, 2007.
  50. Mihai Dinsoreanu, Iosif Ignat, “A value Analysis Model for Measuring Software Reuse”, 2009, IEEE.
  51. By Paul D. Whitman and Terry Ryan, “Thinking Big for Reuse”, Communications of the ACM, Jan 2010, Vol 53, No-1.
  52. B. Jalender, Dr. A. Govardhan, Dr. P.Premchand, “A Pragmatic Approach to Software Reuse“, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2005-2010,
  53. G.N.K.Suresh Babu, Dr.S.K.Srivastasa, “Analysis and Measure of Software Reusability”, International Journal of Reviews in Computing, 2009,
  54. Miguel Goulao, “Component Based Software Engineering”. ACM, OOPSLA October 16-20, 2005, Diego, California, USA.
  55. Sarbjeet Singh, Manjit Thapa, Sukhvinder Singh, Gurpreet Singh, “Software Engineering – Survey of Reusability Based on Software Components”, International Journal of Computer Application (0975-8887), Vol 8, No-12, October 2010.
  56. K.S. Jasmine, R. Vasantha, “DRE- A Reuse Metric for Component based Software Products”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2007.
  57. Karma Sherif, Ajay Vinze, “Barriers to adoption of software reuse a qualitative Study”, Information & Management, Elsevier Science, 2003,
  58. Hisham Haddad, Herbert Tesser, “Reusable Subsystems: Domain Based Approach”. SAC 2002, Madrid Spain.
  59. kung-ki Lau,”Software Component Models“, ICSE 2006.
  60. B. Jalender, N. Gowtham, K.Praveen Kumar, K. Murahari, K. Sampath, “Technical Impediments to Software Reuse”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology,Vol2(11), 2010 (6136-6139).
  61. Jared Fortune, Ricardo Valerdi, Barrry W. Bohem, F. Stan Settles, “Estimating System Engineering Reuse”, 7th Annual Conference on System Engineering Research 2009 (CSER 2009).
  62. R.K.Raj, H.M.Levy, “A Compostional Model for Software Reuse”, The Computer Journal, Vol.32, No-4, 1989.
  63. Huzumi Nakano, Mao Zheng, Kasi Periyasamy, Zhe Wei, “An Empirical Study on Software Reuse“, 2008, International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2008 IEEE.
  64. Luciana Akemi Burgareli, Selma, S.S. Melnikoff, Mauricio G. V. Ferreira, “A Software Model Reuse Strategy for Brazilian Satellite Launcher”, 19 Australian Conference on Software Engineering, 2008 IEEE.
  65. William Frakes, Carol Terry, “Software Reuse: metrics and models”, ACM Computing Surveys (1996).
  66. Nasib Singh Gill, Pradeep Tomar, “Modified Development Process of Components- Based Software Engineering”, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, March 2010,Vol-35, No-2.
  67. Kung-Kiu Lau, Zheng Wang,“Software Component Models”, IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 39, No.10, October 2007.
  68. Fazel-e-Amin, Ahmad Kamil Mahmood, Alan Oxley, “Reusability Assessment of Open Source Components for Software Product Lines”, International Journal on New Computer Architectures and Their Applications (IJNCAA), The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communication 2011.
  69. B. Jalender, Dr. A. Govardhan, Dr. P. Premchand, “Breaking the Boundaries for Software Component Reuse Technology“, International Journal of Computer Application (0975-8887), Vol 13, No-6, Jan 2011.
  70. Fazel-e-Amin, Ahmad Kamil Mahmood, Alan Oxley, “A Review of Software Component Reusability Assessment Approaches”, Research Journal of Information Technology 3(1):1-11, 2011.
  71. Jiri Adamek, Petr Hnetynka, “Perspectives in Component based Software Engineering”, SEESE 2008, ACM,
  72. Omprakash Sangwan, Pradeep Kumar Bhatia, Yogesh Singh, “Software Reusability Assessment Using Soft Computing Techniques”, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Jan 2011, Vol-36,No1.
  73. Arun Sharma, Rajesh Kumar, P.S.Grover, “Managing Component Based Systems with Reusable Components“, International Journal of Computer Science and Security, Vol 1: Issue (2)
  74. Maryoly Ortega, Anna Griman, Maria Perez, Luis E. Mendoza, “Reuse Strategy based on Reuse Certification of Reusable Components “, IEEE 2007.
  75. CH.V.M.K. Hari, Prasad Reddy, J.N.V.R Swarup Kumar, G.ShriRamGanesh, “Identifying the Importance of Software reuse in COCOMO81, COCOMOII”, International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering”, Vol.1 (3), 2009, 142-147.
  76. Jeremiah Vincent Finnigan, Jeffrey Blanchette, “A forward looking Software Reuse Strategy”, IEEE 2008.
  77. Jiang Guo, Luqi, “A Survey of Software Repositoriess”, ARO (386
  78. Maurizio Morisio, Michel Ezran, Colin Tully, “Success and Failure Factors in Software Reuse”, IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 28, No .4, April 2002.
  79. Amir Tomer, Leah Goldin, Tsvi Kuflik, Esther Kimchi, Stephen R Schach, “Evaluating Software Reuse Alternatives: A model and its Application to an Industrial Case Study” IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 30, No .9, April 2004.,
  80. Marcus A. Rothenberger, Kelvin J. Dooley, Uday R. Kulkarni, Nader Nada, “Strategies for Software Reuse: A Principal Component Analysis of Reuse Practices”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 3, September 2003.
  81. Rob van Ommering,”Software Reuse in Product Population”, IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 7, July 2005.
  82. Cagatay Catal, “Barriers to the Adoption of Software Product Line Engineering”, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol 34, No-6, Nov 2009.
  83. Yong-liu, Aiguang-yang, “Research and Application of Software Reuse”, Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel / Distributed Computing, IEEE, 2007.
  84. Mihai Dinsoreanu, Iosif Ignat, “A value Analysis Model for Measuring Software Reuse”, 2009, IEEE.
  85. By Paul D. Whitman and Terry Ryan, “Thinking Big for Reuse”, Communications of the ACM, Jan 2010, Vol 53, No-1.
  86. B. Jalender, Dr. A. Govardhan, Dr. P.Premchand, “A Pragmatic Approach to Software Reuse“, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2005-2010,
  87. G.N.K.Suresh Babu, Dr.S.K.Srivastasa, “Analysis and Measure of Software Reusability”, International Journal of Reviews in Computing, 2009,
  88. Miguel Goulao, “Component Based Software Engineering”. ACM, OOPSLA October 16-20, 2005, Diego, California, USA.
  89. Sarbjeet Singh, Manjit Thapa, Sukhvinder Singh, Gurpreet Singh, “Software Engineering – Survey of Reusability Based on Software Components”, International Journal of Computer Application (0975-8887), Vol 8, No-12, October 2010.
  90. K.S. Jasmine, R. Vasantha, “DRE- A Reuse Metric for Component based Software Products”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2007.
  91. Karma Sherif, Ajay Vinze, “Barriers to adoption of software reuse a qualitative Study”, Information & Management, Elsevier Science, 2003,
  92. Hisham Haddad, Herbert Tesser, “Reusable Subsystems: Domain Based Approach”. SAC 2002, Madrid Spain.
  93. kung-ki Lau,”Software Component Models“, ICSE 2006.
  94. B. Jalender, N. Gowtham, K.Praveen Kumar, K. Murahari, K. Sampath, “Technical Impediments to Software Reuse”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology,Vol2(11), 2010 (6136-6139).
  95. Jared Fortune, Ricardo Valerdi, Barrry W. Bohem, F. Stan Settles, “Estimating System Engineering Reuse”, 7th Annual Conference on System Engineering Research 2009 (CSER 2009).
  96. R.K.Raj, H.M.Levy, “A Compostional Model for Software Reuse”, The Computer Journal, Vol.32, No-4, 1989.
  97. Huzumi Nakano, Mao Zheng, Kasi Periyasamy, Zhe Wei, “An Empirical Study on Software Reuse“, 2008, International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2008 IEEE.
  98. Luciana Akemi Burgareli, Selma, S.S. Melnikoff, Mauricio G. V. Ferreira, “A Software Model Reuse Strategy for Brazilian Satellite Launcher”, 19 Australian Conference on Software Engineering, 2008 IEEE.
  99. William Frakes, Carol Terry, “Software Reuse: metrics and models”, ACM Computing Surveys (1996).
  100. Nasib Singh Gill, Pradeep Tomar, “Modified Development Process of Components- Based Software Engineering”, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, March 2010,Vol-35, No-2.
  101. Kung-Kiu Lau, Zheng Wang,“Software Component Models”, IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 39, No.10, October 2007.
  102. Fazel-e-Amin, Ahmad Kamil Mahmood, Alan Oxley, “Reusability Assessment of Open Source Components for Software Product Lines”, International Journal on New Computer Architectures and Their Applications (IJNCAA), The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communication 2011.
  103. B. Jalender, Dr. A. Govardhan, Dr. P. Premchand, “Breaking the Boundaries for Software Component Reuse Technology“, International Journal of Computer Application (0975-8887), Vol 13, No-6, Jan 2011.
  104. Fazel-e-Amin, Ahmad Kamil Mahmood, Alan Oxley, “A Review of Software Component Reusability Assessment Approaches”, Research Journal of Information Technology 3(1):1-11, 2011.
  105. Jiri Adamek, Petr Hnetynka, “Perspectives in Component based Software Engineering”, SEESE 2008, ACM,
  106. Omprakash Sangwan, Pradeep Kumar Bhatia, Yogesh Singh, “Software Reusability Assessment Using Soft Computing Techniques”, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Jan 2011, Vol-36,No1.
  107. Arun Sharma, Rajesh Kumar, P.S.Grover, “Managing Component Based Systems with Reusable Components“, International Journal of Computer Science and Security, Vol 1: Issue (2)
  108. Maryoly Ortega, Anna Griman, Maria Perez, Luis E. Mendoza, “Reuse Strategy based on Reuse Certification of Reusable Components “, IEEE 2007.
  109. CH.V.M.K. Hari, Prasad Reddy, J.N.V.R Swarup Kumar, G.ShriRamGanesh, “Identifying the Importance of Software reuse in COCOMO81, COCOMOII”, International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering”, Vol.1 (3), 2009, 142-147.
  110. Jeremiah Vincent Finnigan, Jeffrey Blanchette, “A forward looking Software Reuse Strategy”, IEEE 2008.
  111. Jiang Guo, Luqi, “A Survey of Software Repositoriess”, ARO (38690-MA) and DARPA (99-F759).
  112. WangChengjun, “Architecture Driven Component Development for Top-Down Software Reuse”, International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2008 IEEE.
  113. Diomidis Spinellis, “Cracking Software Reuse”, IEEE Software, 2007.
  114. Xia Cai, Michael R. Lyu, Kam-Fai Wong, Roy Ko, “Component Based Software Engineering: Technologies, Development Frameworks and Reuse Assurance Schemes“, IEEE 2000.
  115. Volker H. Schroeter, “A Framework for the 2000. Development and Implementation of Reuse Models”, IEEE
  116. Pietro Abate, Jaap Boender, Roberto Di Cosmo, Stefano Zacchiroli, “Strong Dependencies between Software Components”, Third International Symposium on Empirical Engineering and Measurement”, 2009, IEEE.
  117. Xunmei GU, Jun SHI, “Reuse Metrics for Object- Oriented Method”, 2010 IEEE.
  118. A. Mili, S.Fowler Chmiel, R. Gottumukkala, L. Zhang, “An Integrated Cost Model for Software Reuse”, ICSE, ACM, 2000.
  119. Jasmine K.S, Dr. R.Vasantha, “A, New Process Model for Reuse Based Software Development Approach”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, 2008, Vol I, July 2-4, London.
  120. Zhuo Kang, Yan Li, Li-shan Kartg, “Automatic Programming Methodology for Program Reuse”, 2006, IEEE.
  121. Maurizio Morisio, Michel Ezran, Colin Tully, “Success and Failure Factors in Software Reuse”, IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 28, No .4, April 2002.
  122. Amir Tomer, Leah Goldin, Tsvi Kuflik, Esther Kimchi, Stephen R Schach, “Evaluating Software Reuse Alternatives: A model and its Application to an Industrial Case Study” IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 30, No .9, April 2004.,
  123. Marcus A. Rothenberger, Kelvin J. Dooley, Uday R. Kulkarni, Nader Nada, “Strategies for Software Reuse: A Principal Component Analysis of Reuse Practices”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 3, September 2003.
  124. Rob van Ommering,”Software Reuse in Product Population”, IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 7, July 2005.
  125. Cagatay Catal, “Barriers to the Adoption of Software Product Line Engineering”, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol 34, No-6, Nov 2009.
  126. Yong-liu, Aiguang-yang, “Research and Application of Software Reuse”, Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel / Distributed Computing, IEEE, 2007.
  127. Mihai Dinsoreanu, Iosif Ignat, “A value Analysis Model for Measuring Software Reuse”, 2009, IEEE.
  128. By Paul D. Whitman and Terry Ryan, “Thinking Big for Reuse”, Communications of the ACM, Jan 2010, Vol 53, No-1.
  129. B. Jalender, Dr. A. Govardhan, Dr. P.Premchand, “A Pragmatic Approach to Software Reuse“, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2005-2010,
  130. G.N.K.Suresh Babu, Dr.S.K.Srivastasa, “Analysis and Measure of Software Reusability”, International Journal of Reviews in Computing, 2009,
  131. Miguel Goulao, “Component Based Software Engineering”. ACM, OOPSLA October 16-20, 2005, Diego, California, USA.
  132. Sarbjeet Singh, Manjit Thapa, Sukhvinder Singh, Gurpreet Singh, “Software Engineering – Survey of Reusability Based on Software Components”, International Journal of Computer Application (0975-8887), Vol 8, No-12, October 2010.
  133. K.S. Jasmine, R. Vasantha, “DRE- A Reuse Metric for Component based Software Products”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2007.
  134. Karma Sherif, Ajay Vinze, “Barriers to adoption of software reuse a qualitative Study”, Information & Management, Elsevier Science, 2003,
  135. Hisham Haddad, Herbert Tesser, “Reusable Subsystems: Domain Based Approach”. SAC 2002, Madrid Spain.
  136. kung-ki Lau,”Software Component Models“, ICSE 2006.
  137. B. Jalender, N. Gowtham, K.Praveen Kumar, K. Murahari, K. Sampath, “Technical Impediments to Software Reuse”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology,Vol2(11), 2010 (6136-6139).
  138. Jared Fortune, Ricardo Valerdi, Barrry W. Bohem, F. Stan Settles, “Estimating System Engineering Reuse”, 7th Annual Conference on System Engineering Research 2009 (CSER 2009).
  139. R.K.Raj, H.M.Levy, “A Compostional Model for Software Reuse”, The Computer Journal, Vol.32, No-4, 1989.
  140. Huzumi Nakano, Mao Zheng, Kasi Periyasamy, Zhe Wei, “An Empirical Study on Software Reuse“, 2008, International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2008 IEEE.
  141. Luciana Akemi Burgareli, Selma, S.S. Melnikoff, Mauricio G. V. Ferreira, “A Software Model Reuse Strategy for Brazilian Satellite Launcher”, 19 Australian Conference on Software Engineering, 2008 IEEE.
  142. William Frakes, Carol Terry, “Software Reuse: metrics and models”, ACM Computing Surveys (1996).
  143. Nasib Singh Gill, Pradeep Tomar, “Modified Development Process of Components- Based Software Engineering”, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, March 2010,Vol-35, No-2.
  144. Kung-Kiu Lau, Zheng Wang,“Software Component Models”, IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 39, No.10, October 2007.
  145. Fazel-e-Amin, Ahmad Kamil Mahmood, Alan Oxley, “Reusability Assessment of Open Source Components for Software Product Lines”, International Journal on New Computer Architectures and Their Applications (IJNCAA), The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communication 2011.
  146. B. Jalender, Dr. A. Govardhan, Dr. P. Premchand, “Breaking the Boundaries for Software Component Reuse Technology“, International Journal of Computer Application (0975-8887), Vol 13, No-6, Jan 2011.
  147. Fazel-e-Amin, Ahmad Kamil Mahmood, Alan Oxley, “A Review of Software Component Reusability Assessment Approaches”, Research Journal of Information Technology 3(1):1-11, 2011.
  148. Jiri Adamek, Petr Hnetynka, “Perspectives in Component based Software Engineering”, SEESE 2008, ACM,
  149. Omprakash Sangwan, Pradeep Kumar Bhatia, Yogesh Singh, “Software Reusability Assessment Using Soft Computing Techniques”, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Jan 2011, Vol-36,No1.
  150. Arun Sharma, Rajesh Kumar, P.S.Grover, “Managing Component Based Systems with Reusable Components“, International Journal of Computer Science and Security, Vol 1: Issue (2)
  151. Maryoly Ortega, Anna Griman, Maria Perez, Luis E. Mendoza, “Reuse Strategy based on Reuse Certification of Reusable Components “, IEEE 2007.
  152. CH.V.M.K. Hari, Prasad Reddy, J.N.V.R Swarup Kumar, G.ShriRamGanesh, “Identifying the Importance of Software reuse in COCOMO81, COCOMOII”, International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering”, Vol.1 (3), 2009, 142-147.
  153. Jeremiah Vincent Finnigan, Jeffrey Blanchette, “A forward looking Software Reuse Strategy”, IEEE 2008.
  154. Jiang Guo, Luqi, “A Survey of Software Repositoriess”, ARO (38690-MA) and DARPA (99-F759).
  155. WangChengjun, “Architecture Driven Component Development for Top-Down Software Reuse”, International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2008 IEEE.
  156. Diomidis Spinellis, “Cracking Software Reuse”, IEEE Software, 2007.
  157. Xia Cai, Michael R. Lyu, Kam-Fai Wong, Roy Ko, “Component Based Software Engineering: Technologies, Development Frameworks and Reuse Assurance Schemes“, IEEE 2000.
  158. Volker H. Schroeter, “A Framework for the 2000. Development and Implementation of Reuse Models”, IEEE
  159. Pietro Abate, Jaap Boender, Roberto Di Cosmo, Stefano Zacchiroli, “Strong Dependencies between Software Components”, Third International Symposium on Empirical Engineering and Measurement”, 2009, IEEE.
  160. Xunmei GU, Jun SHI, “Reuse Metrics for Object- Oriented Method”, 2010 IEEE.
  161. A. Mili, S.Fowler Chmiel, R. Gottumukkala, L. Zhang, “An Integrated Cost Model for Software Reuse”, ICSE, ACM, 2000.
  162. Jasmine K.S, Dr. R.Vasantha, “A, New Process Model for Reuse Based Software Development Approach”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, 2008, Vol I, July 2-4, London.
  163. Zhuo Kang, Yan Li, Li-shan Kartg, “Automatic Programming Methodology for Program Reuse”, 2006, IEEE. 90-MA) and DARPA (99-F759).
  164. WangChengjun, “Architecture Driven Component Development for Top-Down Software Reuse”, International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2008 IEEE.
  165. Diomidis Spinellis, “Cracking Software Reuse”, IEEE Software, 2007.
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  167. Volker H. Schroeter, “A Framework for the 2000. Development and Implementation of Reuse Models”, IEEE
  168. Pietro Abate, Jaap Boender, Roberto Di Cosmo, Stefano Zacchiroli, “Strong Dependencies between Software Components”, Third International Symposium on Empirical Engineering and Measurement”, 2009, IEEE.
  169. Xunmei GU, Jun SHI, “Reuse Metrics for Object- Oriented Method”, 2010 IEEE.
  170. A. Mili, S.Fowler Chmiel, R. Gottumukkala, L. Zhang, “An Integrated Cost Model for Software Reuse”, ICSE, ACM, 2000.
  171. Jasmine K.S, Dr. R.Vasantha, “A, New Process Model for Reuse Based Software Development Approach”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, 2008, Vol I, July 2-4, London.
  172. Zhuo Kang, Yan Li, Li-shan Kartg, “Automatic Programming Methodology for Program Reuse”, 2006, IEEE.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Components Software reuse Models