2nd National Conference on Information and Communication Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCICT - Number 8 |
November 2011 |
Authors: Rajesh S. Prasad |
Rajesh S. Prasad . Study of Evolutionary Connectionism from the perspective of Fuzzy Neural Network and Neuro-Fuzzy Inference model. 2nd National Conference on Information and Communication Technology. NCICT, 8 (November 2011), 19-23.
Connectionism is a movement in cognitive science which hopes to explain human intellectual abilities using neural networks (also known as ‘neural nets’). Evolutionary Connectionist System is an adaptive, incremental learning and knowledge representation system that evolves its structure and functionality, where in the core of the system is a connectionist architecture that consists of neurons (information processing units) and connections between them. Neural networks are simplified models of the brain composed of large numbers of units (the analogs of neurons) together with weights that measure the strength of connections between the units. These weights model the effects of the synapses that link one neuron to another. Experiments on models of this kind have demonstrated an ability to understand information, adapt knowledge and evolve intelligence.