2nd National Conference on Information and Communication Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
NCICT - Number 6 |
November 2011 |
Authors: Sofia K. Pillai, J. J. Shah |
Sofia K. Pillai, J. J. Shah . Modeling and Design of String Musical Synthesizer. 2nd National Conference on Information and Communication Technology. NCICT, 6 (November 2011), 5-7.
Physical modeling is a technique of creating audio using the numerical computation. It generates sound that is different to actual physical response of the system. The physical modeling approach can be applied, in principle, to any musical instrument; the most success has been obtained in modeling the physical processes involved in stringed instruments and in woodwinds. The different synthesizer technology used analog synthesis, frequency modulation, additive synthesis, sampling and physical modeling. Different techniques are chosen based on the criteria as per the application. This paper aims to generate physical modeling of string musical instruments piano using finite difference method. The approach used in the proposed paper will be by using DSP processor.