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Measurement based Recognition of Human Faces under Varying Poses

Published on November 2011 by K. R. Singh, Bakul Pandhre, Roshni Khedgaonkar
2nd National Conference on Information and Communication Technology
Foundation of Computer Science USA
NCICT - Number 2
November 2011
Authors: K. R. Singh, Bakul Pandhre, Roshni Khedgaonkar

K. R. Singh, Bakul Pandhre, Roshni Khedgaonkar . Measurement based Recognition of Human Faces under Varying Poses. 2nd National Conference on Information and Communication Technology. NCICT, 2 (November 2011), 21-25.

author = { K. R. Singh, Bakul Pandhre, Roshni Khedgaonkar },
title = { Measurement based Recognition of Human Faces under Varying Poses },
journal = { 2nd National Conference on Information and Communication Technology },
issue_date = { November 2011 },
volume = { NCICT },
number = { 2 },
month = { November },
year = { 2011 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 21-25 },
numpages = 5,
url = { /proceedings/ncict/number2/4287-ncict014/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 2nd National Conference on Information and Communication Technology
%A K. R. Singh
%A Bakul Pandhre
%A Roshni Khedgaonkar
%T Measurement based Recognition of Human Faces under Varying Poses
%J 2nd National Conference on Information and Communication Technology
%@ 0975-8887
%N 2
%P 21-25
%D 2011
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

Till date many approaches have been proposed for recognizing the human faces under the different orientations. In this paper we propose a new measurement based approach to measure all the small measurements that can enable us to identify a person uniquely. Here we consider 4 facial photographs taken from correct positions, which provide us with the required information. The idea is to make the approach highly analytical which has little or no effect of variable factors like illumination, pose etc. With the presented idea of Most Informative Photograph (MIP), we consider a number of facial photographs 4 in our case and find the average of the values for comparison with the database. This in turn shall improve the efficiency by a greater amount.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Pattern Recognition Face Geometry Poses face length